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Posts posted by Victor

  1. ccmtcanada knows that i refresh every 2 seconds at aronud 11 30pm every night looking for his report ... so he PM-ed me his outing result even though he is real tired lol.


    well just a preview of what his report's gonna be like ... he went 2/3 and bly went 4/4.


    now we'll have to wait ... and i'll have to keep refreshing every few seconds or so to wait for it. lol

  2. congrats on nailing another 2 species off ur list!! it's a great way to come back after losing that pike!


    for line weight ... it also depends on what rod you're using ... if you are using a 6' bass rod, it would be tough to land a bigger one with 10lb test ... as MJL said, the rod acts as a shock absorber and a longer one would really help you out. After fishing with longer rods i'm in love with them now lol.

  3. Saturday night i fished with wolfville at Cliff & Carole's home swim ... he got permission from his wife to go out and i've got to stay home on sunday (father's day and my dad didn't want to go fishing) so we decided to fish till we drop ... got to the spot at 8 30pm and fished till 4 30am.


    Cliff already posted his report so here's what happened after he left ... i started catching after they left and ended up with 7, wolfville got one more and ended the night with 2. Nothing huge but they're all respectable sizes.


    here's the biggest of the night, a 20lber



    when wolfville caught his 2nd fish we had a double header ... he's starting to pose like a true carper now lol



    his came in at 15lbs and mine's alot smaller, didn't bother weighing it



    my fish's left eye was missing :unsure:



    all in all it was a great night ... it was a pleasure meeting cliff and carole and thanks for sharing your swim!




    Today i went to the Grand for a couple of hours after class ... 6 30pm-10 30pm... i was having a horrible day with hooks/knots and i lost my first 5 fish ... yeah don't ask me what happened .. i just lost them ... was really upset at myself ... usually i only stay till 9 30 since it gets all dark and scary ... but i didn't want to go home skunked after losing 5 fish so i decided to stay longer... planned to go home at 10 30 and i finally landed a nice 12lb fish at around 10pm.


    it's a fairly good size for the stretch of the Grand i was fishing at ...



    i figured that i told myself i would leave at 10 30 so i stayed after that fish ... at exactly 10 30 i started packing my stuff ... usually i would pack everything first, then pack my Pod and my rod. I had everything else packed, put my rod on the bank with the baitrunner switch on, and started dissembling my pod (hoping for one last fish lol) ... and guess what ... a hard pull on my rod and line started screaming out ... and landed my 2nd of the night ... a mere 1lb fish lol. well a fish is a fish.


    now i need to do some homework ...

  4. Great report as usual. it is something i look forward to every night at around 11 30 indeed haha. So please keep them coming Cliff, i might not be able to sleep one night if i don't see one :D


    nice fish btw! the head looks so much bigger than its tail section

  5. Common carp will jump and clear the water. A year ago I wouldn't have thought they could but I have seen many do it in the past weeks...even get some serious air now and then. The 21lb carp from last night also jumped and cleared the water during the fight.


    :blink: whoah crazy!


    out of all the carp i have fought, none of them have jumped during a fight (maybe i just haven't caught enough to see it lol) ... that's gotta be exciting ...

  6. Did they jump clear off the water, or was it more of rolling and splashing? I have never seen any common carp make a clear jump off the water, only splashing and rolling around. I know that the Asian carp that's causing such a headache south of the border jumps like crazy, but haven't seen a common carp do it.



    i have never seen a carp jump so high that it cleared the water, but usually i'd see a good 2/3 to 3/4 of its body above the water

  7. Great report Cliff!


    i knew the skunk wouldn't last long for both you and bly ... i think the carp at your usual spot is unhappy that you two decided to give free offerings to their neighbours 1km away lol ... just to get your attention so they jump up and said "we want food!!" ... ... maybe not the talking part ;) haha


    you should be able to buy a mesh kind of thing that goes over your head/face and they keep the mosquito away ... should find them in Can.Tire or other outdoor shops.


    can you guys catch smaller carp?? i guess that's one thing i'm better at :thumbsup_anim:

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