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Posts posted by Victor

  1. yeah I'm trying to teach my daughter that you're NOT supposed to poke their eyes out! And she gets PIEVED when we release the fish - she screams at me for letting them go... I'll upload a vid of it at some point....


    lol she seems to be a natural for the white bucket team!


    Thanks for sharing!

  2. Although we say it might be "crowded" ... that swim does have quite a bit of room, it's just that with the long rods anglers might need alittle more room to place their bait/rig.


    There should be numbers in that area ... whether they choose to bite or not i won't know lol. The fish in my avatar is caught there. It seems that May 17th will be a good day for everyone ...

  3. Saturday would work for me, will probably show up with two boys. Thanks for organizing this.


    BBQ may be a problem ... who's going to man the BBQ when we're all hauling ;-)


    BTW, Port Credit swim gets pretty crowed by carpers during the weekends in May, if more than 10 show up we might have to practice accurate casting for a few days before going there LOL


    BBQ? i have already taken that into account, i know that your two boys will be coming ... and when they say "daddy we're hungry" ... i don't think you have much of a choice.


    I noticed it gets crowded at P.C. last time we were there ... maybe some of us will have to set up our Pods at the rockpiles lol. Skyway at Hamilton is good but we'll have to see if everyone's willing to travel that way ... let me know guys and girls!

  4. MJL probably said it all for the bait if your just trying it out... i'll add a few things though


    When you get to your fishing spot, start off with throwing a few handfuls of corn out to where you plan to drop your rig, it will attract to fish to come over. Use a reel with a larger spool if you have one, when you have a fish on it might take quite a bit of line out.


    If you're planning on holding onto your rod, hang on tight ... or if you plan on putting on the ground using a tree branch/rod holder, loosen your drag so when a carp takes your bait, your rod won't fly out ... trust me, even a 10lber are quite strong and your rod will be in the water before you know it.


    Good luck and let us know how you make out!

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