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Billy Bob

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Everything posted by Billy Bob

  1. I hear CHINA is hiring....
  2. I have used RockAuto with good success when I had my Ford Escape...check online and your part is $147.89.......I'm in the Buffalo area and if your going to ship it here, PM me and I'm sure I can help you out. Bob
  3. I was hoping for 3 wishes....
  4. http://www.buffalonews.com/wire-feeds/24-hour-national-news/article601532.ece
  5. :good: :good:
  6. It's been about 3 weeks from your first post....WHY haven't you fished Dover and given a report
  7. It's must be George W Bush's fault.......
  8. I will bet dollars to donuts that EVERYONE at these protests have cell phones from the very corporations they are protesting about. And must will be the best phones money can buy....
  9. People complain about the following: 1) Union members make too much money 2) CEO's make too much money 3) Big Business makes too much money 4) Teachers make too much money 5) Politicians make too much money Still waiting for "I" make to much money..... The money is out there....just go out there and get it....
  10. Here you go C.C. Tire Size Comparison Specification Sidewall Radius Diameter Circumference Revs/Mile Difference 215/55-18 4.7in 13.7in 27.3in 85.8in 738 0.0% 215/65-16 5.5in 13.5in 27.0in 84.8in 747 -1.1% http://www.miata.net/garage/tirecalc.html
  11. Someday, you will all owe a Tundra....
  12. You mother is in our POSITIVE Thoughts and Prayers. With modern medicine she will have a very fast recovery. Bob
  13. Or 2 medium cups of Timmy's coffee in Ontario....
  14. If you can I still wouldn't buy them.
  15. http://www.seetorontonow.com/Visitor/Bills/bills-vs-redskins-toronto-2011.aspx
  16. Oh, I'm so sorry to hear that...
  17. BINGO Cliff on the Tundra up early thing.... And I'm going to kick your Canadian today with my football picks...you're going down old timer....
  18. But you know it only takes me a hour to run out of fingers and toes.... I caused a 2 alarm alert this morning....
  19. Damn....the Billy Bob alarm must of went off on Chris's computer... LOL
  20. Mike, JOB WELL DONE AGAIN.... I see you're still taking those old timers to musky school...
  21. Hey, I'm up early and there are NO Mods up yet....we can all go nuts.... LOL See what goes on when you over sleep Roy....
  22. Now you know not everyone can afford a Toyoto (TUNDRA) or deserves one...but if their lucky....it's one SWEET ride...
  23. Get a bigger truck.....brake problem solved....
  24. Yep, it's called the Connolly Rule....
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