Billy Bob
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Everything posted by Billy Bob
I had a GMC Safari Van with the 4.3 L engine......good strong engine for towing but not that good on gas even when not towing.... Bob
Thanks, but the real hero's are over seas serving us well ! ! ! SORRY if I was defensive, but when a fellow firefighter is under the gun, the rest of us naturally come to their defense. Bob
Johnny Ole Boy you got that one right......maybe we can bond yet.... PEACE, Bob
I think you got it mixed up.....I am not quoting Dara...read it again. Bob
My Johnson is now 25 years old and this year I finally had to pay for a thermostat to be installed..........that's it besides plugs and 2 impellers which is really just maintenance. Bob
Now there you go again..... My eye sight is FINE and I'll match it with anyone since I had Lasik Surgery about 10 years ago from Canadain Dr Andrew Taylor that now moved his office to NF, Ontario.....I was there yesterday with my wife as she just had her eyes done 1 month ago and had a check up. Mine eye sight is 20/15 how's yours. I live a in small town and have belonged to the fire department for over 35 years....I'm not just pulling Bull out of the thin air... Our department gets it equipment and trucks from the town (taxes) but the companies themselves have to do fund raisers to finance their companies. We go thru HUNDREDS of hours of training and drilling EACH YEAR to be qualified to be a firefighter, truck driver/operator, fire police, etc.... Not to mention meetings and fundraisers. And here's what we get paid....ZERO...we are a fully volunteer department as almost all are here EXCEPT in cities. Bob
You need a special license to boat around harbor/islands in Toronto ? ? ?
Who said ANYTHING about "teaching a lesson" not me ONLY you ! ! ! It's about responsibility to finance a fire department....my point is if everyone only wants to pay after they have a fire how can a fire department even be formed, yet maintained. I have been a volunteer firefighter for over 35 years and I believe I have some knowledge on the cost of running a fire department. If everyone was like the folks that had this fire there would be no trucks to send to the fire in the first place. Stop being a and think before you type.
But this is YOUR socialist/communist government YOU are so much in favor of...
Well, actually it very well could have been ruled a infield hit if the catcher didn't make the throw as the rule states. If no throw was attempted then no foul by the runner and then it's a hit. That's why it's important for the catch to make an attempt throwing to first base. THEN the umpire has to make the correct call and that doesn't happen 100% of the time. Bob
Well then, lets see if they sell out in Toronto this year....my guess...not even close....
NOPE, no thanks....MANY are already calling them the Toronto Bills and you can have them. They don't even resemble a football team.
That has to be one of the easiest schedules in the NFL........
NOPE, I still think you're swinging and missing the point just like the Cincinnati Reds last night...by your thinking then it's fine and dandy that no one pays for fire protection until they call for help....that can't work and you know it.....again, how about if I only purchase a Ontario fishing license AFTER I'm caught not having one. And of course with no fine whatsoever. Maybe no one should get car insurance until after the accident.....
Oh no....not your commie Bull again.
Ya you're right......but we are ruled by the liability insurance companies and the crazy people that sue over the stupidest things like, coffee was too hot, the screen on my upstairs window didn't warn me I could fall out by leaning against it or the ladder didn't have a warning that's its dangerous to be on the very top step....the list goes on and on. And it's never going to change for the better only the worse. Bob
You're missing the point on many issues here.....THEY DID BILL the property owner and the bill was NOT paid....no one was in the building so it wasn't a life threating fire but could have had the firefighters fought the fire and one of them got hurt or worse....since they were not under contract to fight the fire then if a firefighter would have gotten hurt maybe their liability insurance would not cover the medical expensive's. It would be like have another fire department from another county respond when they are NOT contracted to do so. Even our mutual aid has to be contracted out to protect the firefighter involved AND all the EXPENSIVE fire fighting equipment. As Ohiofisherman pointed out......wouldn't it be nice only to buy a fishing license after you were caught fishing without one. When that's OK with you let me know. Bob
Bottom line is......spending $3,000.00 PLUS TAX on a outboard for a car top 12' boat is NUTS ! ! ! Find a good used motor at 1/3 that price of less and it will serve you until you get a bigger boat and you will if you fish much. Bob
I have been a volunteer firefighter for over 30 years and what I have learned is there are MANY different set ups when it comes to how a city, town or village finances it's fire protection. But in all cases the fire department has a legal agreement with the people who reside there and can't go beyond that for many reasons with liability to it's firefighters being the #1 reason. And over the years I find everyone either takes their protection for granted or actually complains about it until they need it. I had a fellow worker once tell me when he sees the flashing blue light on a volunteers vehicle working (trying to get to the firehouse) he said "he's probably rushing to the beer tap"...... In the case in SOUTH FULTON, Tenn they might now have to look at how they collect their fire protection money, maybe included it in their property taxes to prevent this from happing again. Bob
For the hunting you said you are interested in NOW a 20 gauge will fit the bill VERY well. Shells should be no problem at all obtaining even in the bush areas of Ontario. The 20 gauge has been around for a LONG time now and has been excepted in all kind of hunting applications. Now remember a couple of things when you're shopping for said shotgun. If used, how old is it because some models are tough animals when you want to add another barrel, like a fully rifle barrel for deer/bear hunting. Also I would recommend a 3" chambered 20 gauge shotgun as it has more options over the older 2.75" chamber. It's even good for waterfowl hunting with 3" shells. You mentioned you may be interested in a Remington 870 "Wingmaster". This is a fine shotgun unlike the Remington 870 "Express" which is what you will mostly see out there for sale. It's a cheaper version of the "Wingmaster" and nowhere as fine. Also there are "Light weight" versions of the Wingmaster that would be ideal for your upland game like the grouse you are most interested in. BUT you can NOT use any barrel for a "LIGHT" version.....it most also be a LIGHT barrel for this shotgun. You will find the 870 Wingmaster cost much more than the 870 Express but it a shotgun you will be proud to carry afield. The Mossberg 500's are also a VERY fine and ECONOMICAL shotgun. Don't put up your nose to them and consider one. They have MANY MANY different models available for any kind of hunting you can imagine. Bottom line that no one else mentioned here is you MUST shoulder the gun you intend to use and see how it fits to YOU. And don't just shoulder one...try SEVERAL and see what feels best to you and go from there. WELCOME to HUNTING, Bob
Actually Humminbird's main customer base is from the south while Lowrance controls the rest of the country..... especially in the northeast....check out any charter boat on the Great Lakes and you will see Lowrance units on everyone of them.
Does it have to be NEW or is a used sonar/GPS unit a option.....I say that because many have recently upgraded to the new Lowrance HDS units and have some very good LMS or LCX units for sale. Try Ebay (they have some good deals on new units also) or try this site.... http://www.bbcboards.net/zeroforum?id=70 BTW....Lowrance blows Bigbird (Humminbird) out of the water with it's technology. Bob
That's what I keep telling my fishing partner...LOL..
Bad news......you're screwed. They will offer you X amount and that's it. Good Luck, Bob
I would also seriously consider a 2 stroker for that small boat....not only weight wise (which is important) but also power wise....on my last fly-in trip to Ivanhoe the owner told me he sold all his 1 year old 4 stroker 9 hp Yammies and replaced them with 2 strokers because of all the complaints from clients that they were having planing out. AND you can save some money to boot. GOOD LUCK, Bob BTW if you are near any fishing camps / cottages that replace their outboards every year or so maybe you can snag a nice deal.