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Posts posted by Hooked

  1. The last time I checked the Consumer's Report book, Samsung was the best quality for your buck. But it's the cables the sales people try to sell you that are the big rip off. There is no difference in picture quality if you use 15.00 dollar connection cables versus the 100.00 dollar or more Monster cables that they try to sell you before you leave the store. I was amazed when I saw this test done by an independent lab that tested picture quality using sophisticated equipment and the picture quality was exactly the same.


    Same thing I heard. There is a good site that sells all kinds of cables and adapters.....dirt cheap: Cheap cables

  2. Ohhh man, I had no idea that went on or else I woulda been there for sure! I was there last weekend and there were still boats in there.

    Nice haul for sure, but I can really kick myself for not being there! Time to get off work early some time this week and head straight there!


    FF, did you notice alot of emeralds around? Was thinking of bringing my dip net.

  3. Garnett has always owned Bosh, for some reason I feel good about it now. :)


    And I don't think the Heat will even make the finals this year. The Heat will play better as the season goes on but I think the players run this team and that leads to discombobulation on the court. Good ol selfishness and tunnel vision takes over. Plus I think they'll have to deal with injuries this year, just a feeling I have.

  4. When you are heading up there, check the CT in Kingston. I know their fishing selection was like no other CT I have seen in my life. Actually was quite impressed and better than alot of tackle stores I have gone to. But I don't recall if they sold Reef Runners. Might be worth a check?

    Baker's in Nappannee may have some, but I doubt it, he usually sell's his own home-made cranks.

  5. Being able to trace a # online has come in pretty handy for me. One of my sons ex-friends gave our # to bunch of punk kids on Xbox Live and convinced them to crank call my home. I just *69, punched the # in google, and I managed to find who the # belongs to, the city and street they live.....


    Was pretty funny, I called one of the punks back and gave the kid an earful, never called back again, especially since I mentioned his last name, city and street he lived on....haha, was pretty funny.


    As long as you don't come across any crazy stalkers in your time, not that there's such thing as a normal stalker, but you should be fine.

  6. If on a budget, would check out the Shimano Volteus (sp?) or the Clarus. I think the Volteus goes for maybe $50 and the Clarus goes for $65. Personally I would pick the Shimano Clarus. If you want to go all out, get the Shimano Crucial or Cumara, only 1 pieces though I think.

    Mind you, almost any St. Croix is good too. Good luck on shopping.

  7. I picked up a Shimano Sienna, 1000 series, for $45, no complaints at all. Also got a Quantum Incite for $50, no complaints either. Used them this summer and was impressed by both considering the price for them. Check em out.

  8. As you live in the Creek like me, there is an Interstate shop on Garden ave near the service rd that sells refurbished interstate batteries. Call them up and see if they have any deep cycles. They may charge you 50$ or so. They still give you the warranty as well. By refurbished were talking they were scratched on the assembly line, thus Interstate wont put their name on it. If your going to spend the money, do it right. Im sure you will get a much longer life out of it too. Just a thought.



    That battery is a light duty cranking battery, you need a deep cycle for your purpose. I'd look into what Fish4Eyes has suggested. Sounds like you would save a few dollars had have the right battery for the job.



    Thanks guys, was going to hit the place tomorrow morning before I go on vacation, but they are closed, and close at 5 today when I'm just off work. Figures I find out of a good place and I can't make it!

  9. I have a battery question. I will be mounting a transom mount trolling motor onto a 14' aluminum boat and will be connecting to a 12V battery. Are there any problems that I may encounter if I don't have a battery case for it? Is it required or can I leave it exposed? Just wondering. Any help appreciated.

  10. Ok.... that was a freakin AWESOME report! I really enjoyed that read, pics were a bonus!


    After seeing those pics I can't imagine what else lurks in that lake....wow! Imagine another week there? That would be choice. Nice going guys, was a good test for things to come for sure. Hopefully you guys hit that place again next year, looking forward to report already! Congrats on a fun time to both of you.

  11. You can park on Jones Baseline up the dirt road off a main road. It is littered with no parking signs, but once you get up over the hill, you can park anywhere. THEY DO PATROL THE AREA CONSISTENTLY, so don't park in the no parking zone.


    I parked there once earlier this year, where some donkeys had ripped the no parking sign out of the ground in thrown it in the field next to the road (I didnt see it) and an OPP officer found me fishing and asked me to move my car.


    You're looking at like a 7 minute walk, but you'll have access to both sides of the lake.



    I was thinking fishing there as well. I notice the lake everytime I drive to Welland. What kind of fish are in there?

  12. I'm a happily retired Firefighter, who dabbles with Kingpin reels Service and Warranty concerns.

    I'm kind of like the Maytag guy, that gets very little business. :sleeping_02:


    Steelheading is my 2nd greatest love.

    (Wife is looking) :angel:



    Good answer at the end, haha.


    I work in the I.T. Department for the Hamilton Hospitals, and have been for 12 years. Can be a pretty cool gig. I have been in the room during brain surgery, hip replacement, knee replacement and countless other operations. The craziest had to of been in Forensics, where a brain freshly taken out of a skull was placed 12" from the mouse I was using, doh! Those Forensics guys are a special breed, let me tell you, haha.

  13. BJ Tackle in Bewdley, West end of Rice Lake has them as well.



    Perfect Ron, thanks. I'll be at Tower Manor, so that's only a 10 minute drive. And Jim, if BJ's doesn't turn out, I'll definitely check out that place you mentioned. Thanks everyone else for you input.

  14. Come to my house and I'll give you one or I can put you in touch with a guy out your way.


    Ok Chris, I'll let you know, thanks man.



    You got to respect a dude who keeps an emergency flat of worms in his fridge. :worthy:


    Got that right Roy.


    Thats a whole lotta worms. :unsure: did not know you could buy them by the flat. Try Mc Donalds, they might have some extra. :rofl2::rofl2::rofl2:


    I'll be up there for 2 weeks and we'll probably go through 2 flats of worms, haha. Mind you, there'll be 3 of us fishing.



    Bill's Bait 958 Upper James in Hamilton (905 388-lure). They recently moved to a new location just south of Mohawk road on the west side of Upper James. I get a flat from them every time we go to Quinte. Fishing World would be closer for you. Give them a call first. If not you can get them at Bill's for sure.


    I'll be bringing a flat up with me, but got no room for a second, which is why I wanted to purchase a flat up there. Thanks

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