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Posts posted by Hooked

  1. I would have to say they are probably my favourite freshwater fish to eat, nice sweet taste to them. If you have trouble cleaning them, then you're keeping the small ones, the bigger ones are no problem to clean at all.

  2. Grimsby Tackle is normally my store I go to, but their stock is down due to selling most of it at the Sportsman Show. Petes is probably your best bet, always has the setups needed for the Niagara. I just forget how to get there, all I remember is taking the Ontario St exit in St.Kits. Good luck man.

  3. Hooked,

    In fact, the higher the gauge number, the lighter (or smaller diameter) the actual wire size is. AWG 12 can carry higher current (or load) draw than can AWG 14. AWG stands for American Wire Gauge. Just make sure your new cable is not AWG 16 or AWG 18. These would be too light for sure.



    Will do, thanks for the xtra info. You have helped me in the past and I appreciate it.

  4. The only real thing you should be looking at is wire gauge. Dishwasher is usually hard wired with #12 yet #14 is sufficient if running nothing else off the feed.


    I don't have the cable handy at the moment, but I do remember the the gauge appeared to be a little bigger on the cable made for me. I now recall my buddy telling me about #12 and #14 gauge wires for dishwashers and I think he went for the bigger gauge.

  5. Non issue.. many stranded wires are 600V rated.. your solid feed is 300 v rated and you're only feeding it 120Volts.. have at 'er !



    That 120V feed kept going through my head, and I thought and it should be fine, but I just wanted to make sure. You are most knowledgeable and prompt Wayne, only took you 3 minutes! Thanks. If I make it up to Lakair, I owe you a beer.

  6. I know some hate NF questions here, but I have found great use here for NF questions, reason being, so many knowledgeable folks here. Anyways, to my question, I am replacing the power cable to my dishwasher. I had a buddy of mine make up a cable for me rated for 300V, however, when I actually checked the wires on the dishwasher it revealed a rating of 600V, was printed on the outside plastic on wires. I talked to a guy at Home Hardware and he said that hooking up my cable would be fine, I just wanted to pass it by the folks here first before I proceed. Not sure the year, but its a Kenmore Ultrawash dishwasher.

  7. Is there a market for them? I have seen buck knives handles made of a part of the antler, but are there any other uses for them beside that and rattling? Just curious is all. Personally I would love to come across one of them. Anyways, nice pics.

  8. my vote is for Haliburton .... beautiful town ...lots of lakes to fish, beautiful landscape close to Algonquin Park

    not as pretentious as the muskokas ... at least not yet ...


    view overlooking the town of Haliburton around thanksgiving weekend





    I'll have to agree there jds63, as well as Dorset. When ever I've spent time on Halls Lake, which has been plenty, I've always found myself in those 2 towns for a visit or 2. Plus the ice cream is great in Dorset, and the lookout tower there is phenomenal too.

  9. Its a scam! I had interaction with a person via email months ago, and I even posted on here about what to do......about a similar deal. This case it was a 2007 Sylvan Explorer 1700 DC for under 5K. However, the person said they now live in Edmonton and would ship to me, but once I started asking about ownership....they stopped emailing me.

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