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Posts posted by Hooked

  1. Best and worst game ever, all rolled into one!


    So true....it was frustrating to me, that game should of been finished by Texas. It drives me crazy when pitchers who throw hard don't go to their sliders more often....but Andrus should of went to second to get that out! Oh well, bring on game 7!

  2. I dont watch Baseball but when my sister sent me a text message to put it on I had to see what the hub bub is all about...Glad I did..These fans are getting every cent out the money spent tonight....Oh St Louis just won it as I type!!...Wow


    Yes....it was a crazy game and I am sad now. Lots of epic moments in that game! Amazing..wow!

  3. Lol if you think Peterborough is suvh a horrible city you may want to venture out a bit more. As for the crack heads that you see on the streets they are harmless and dont really bother any one. It was probably some dumb punks or wanna be thugs that broke into your car.


    Comr park down on Barton and Burnsdale in Hamilton and walk around down there. That isn't the worst part either. You had one ufortunate thing happen which happens in any city or town.


    Growing up in Hamilton, I have to say what I've seen of Peterborough doesn't compare to the ghetto's in Hamilton, haha. And I know the area you are referring to, there are a lot more of those too in Hamilton, even worse as you mentioned. Personally I'm sick of living in Stoney Creek, or Hamilton. Hopefully something will work out in the future and I can get a place like Lew's place. :)

  4. My son was more fond of Peterborough than I was, I like Cobourg myself. I drove through the side streets of Peterborough this past summer and really noticed alot of the "ghetto" area's. Really made me realize it's like alot of cities, got the good\new and bad\old parts like mentioned. But it's good to hear all this info from people that have experience of the city. I think if the time comes for a move, I would consider more the outskirts of it or Cobourg. Thanks for the info everyone.

  5. Peterborough is up there with Guelph, Kingston, and Ottawa in my books. It is smaller city. A university and college town. Great places to eat and have a few pops. The location is great too, far enough away from other centers to draw in decent live entertainment unlike that of some Golden Horseshoe towns that blend in with and can't complete with other large centers. Still only 1.5 hrs to downtown TO, 1hr to Simcoe, 40 mins to Shield lakes and Lk Ontario. I've seen a lot of positive changes since I've been here. That said, if I could I'd likely move out west to be closer to bigger rivers, the ocean, and beautiful scenery. BTW - I believe Trent U has an IT job on the board right now.


    I noticed that posting the other day on workopolis, thanks for the heads up though.



    I've lived in the kawartha's for the last 15 years. Of all the places to live, PTBO is waaaay down at the bottom of the list. i find its full of crack heads, and thieves. Last time I was there, my car was broken into....stole my camera and hand held GPS.


    Seems like every corner has a panhandler, or crackhead mooching something. I just hate it.


    The roads suck, the people are not the brightest either.


    Sorry if anyone here lives there, but i hate that place!! Kinda like the armpit of the kawartha's IMO.



    The outskirts however are great. I'm about 15 mins out of town, and love it! 30 mins to a number of great lakes, and good hunting too!!




    Something tells me you don't like the place, hehe.



    Definitely not a place with a lot of IT jobs.. I would make sure you have something lined up before you even think of moving.


    No worries there Bill, I wouldn't even consider moving other-wise. I got a wife and 2 kids to feed.

  6. I have been going to Rice Lake every year for awhile and we always frequent Peterborough during that time. It seems nice and my son really likes it there too. Thinking of a change in the next couple years. How's living out there? I would obviously have to find a suitable job for myself in the I.T. field. But always wondered what it's like to live there or the surrounding areas. Any input would be great.

  7. Some good tips by you and Frank. I just started getting into drop shotting this year and I always use the stand-out drop shot hooks, now I know how to keep a regular hook perpendicular to the line. That tip by you with the weight was good too, think Frank lost 2 weights in the first 3 minutes of the ep.



    I remember when you and Barry did a show fishing for crappie in a little creek, thinking about doing another at that creek?


    Anyways, good stuff.

  8. If it comes apart without breaking into pieces it should epoxy back together.

    But I'm going to try to make a mold of it first just in case.


    The snake lures now are totally different.


    Check youtube, seen guys on there make there own molds. they break it down for ya too.

  9. The salmon are in there now, so likely that is what you are seeing jumping....apparently jointed shad raps are working and also jointed rapala's (J-11). Pick up some if you don't have any and give them a try. I haven't gone down there myself but my buddy goes down there frequently and says they are catching salmon.

  10. Rockauto all the way. Just ordered 2 wheel sensors for my Equinox for half the price the dealer was going to charge me. Genuine Ac Delco sensors. Cost me $22.00 UPS shipped right to my door.

    Have used Rockauto in the past; no problems; secure sight. As Canuck2fan mentioned; the price you see is the price you pay.

    The sight even shows pictures of the parts you are ordering.



    RockAuto.com all the way. When you check out, all taxes, duties and the like are included.I've bought parts from them with great savings and success.


    How long did it take to get the parts typically when you guys ordered?

  11. Just wondering if anybody here knows of where to order quality\and cheap :) auto parts online? I have visited some US parts sites and they can only ship certain items...or not at all to Canada. I'm looking for the following:


    Left rear ABS speed sensor

    2003 Toyota Highlander V6 3.0L AWD


    There's a possibility of having to order more parts, since this part will be stage 1 of trouble shooting my problem...hopefully solving it though. My shop wants $330 for the part, but I'm sure there's cheaper out there. Any help?



  12. What do you think goes into kraft dinner...?


    I used to manufacter the stuff... Haven't eaten it in 3 years...


    The enzymes and slurry they put into it... And the actual cheese... Some of it comes off the floor... They just wipe off the dirt and pretend it never happened...


    And kraft dinner in the USA ...doesn't have any cheese in it!!!!!!



    Great, just great, I USED to love kraft dinner. Guess I'll just have to tell the wife to learn how to make it from scratch using real ingredients. I say that, meaning I'll likely have to learn to make it from scratch. :)

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