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Posts posted by Hooked

  1. When I first read it I was in awe, couldn't believe it. Appears almost like some of those hockey players that followed the same path....perhaps fishgreg could be on to something. Depression....can lead a person to do some really crazy things. Regardless a tough loss and no way to go out. RIP Junior.

  2. Tough break on the canoe in the beginning, glad some good karma worked out for ya's. Definitely a trip for troopers and purist considering the actual time spent and work to get to your site. Hardcore stuff. Sometimes it's great to be proven wrong....sometimes. ;)

    I was lucky enough to of met Fidel at Lakair once, a good guy indeed.


    Another one I tried was Gerritts own creation, it's fantastic! Funny thing is the first time I tried his recipe. I grabbed the only baking powder I could find... as it turned out the baking powder was given to my wife, from her aunt, for playdoe recipes or something like that for my daughter....and I ended up using it. Well.....it was from 1986! Haha, but the fish\batter still turned out fantastic, go figure.

  4. I still cook mine the way my mom taught me; crush a bunch of crackers, dip fillets in egg, then onto the crushed crackers and into the frying pan. Still love that recipe.

    I have also tried crushed corn flakes. I really enjoyed how crispy it was but next time I'm going to add some spices to it as I found it a little bland with corn flakes by itself.

    I'm definitely trying that bacon wrap recipe this year, it sounds fantastic.

  5. The needle jumping around means the battery is fully charged, I think. That's what happens with some other chargers I have seen.


    13 amp reading on a fully charged battery is normal.


    If in doubt, take to a battery shop for a load test.


    Thanks Dutch, I think I'll take it in for that test. It most definitely shouldn't of been fully charged, was sitting there for 3 months.

  6. Hi there, I have a deep cycle battery I was charging the other day. I have my charger set to 15A charge. The thing is the meter would go up to around 10amps, stay there for a minute then go to 0. This repeated itself over and over again. I left it and returned later to find that it was complete.

    I put my multi-meter on it and read 13.01 Amps. Is this a regular output on a charged batter? Kinda thinking it might be toast with the fluctuation issue I witnessed while charing. This batter did give me some issues charging last summer too. It's not even 2 years old and has not been used all that much. Any input would be appreciated.

  7. I have 2 Daiwa SS Tournament spinning reels in need of maintenance. I have had these reels for years and they have been through alot. I plan on repairing them myself this winter and was wondering a good place to order the parts? I was thinking Ebay but if anybody has any specifics I'd welcome that.


    As well, anybody have experience modifying the anti-reverse to make it instant? To me that would make it perfect.



  8. Sounds like you had a good time regardless that's for sure. And that's what tarpon are famous for, jumping and spitting those hooks. Have you tried using those double fly\streamer hooks? Or just tie a streamer on a treble and cut one of the hooks off.

    BTW, I was going to try that Mont Gay Rum last week. Not sure if it's the same stuff here as it was there though? But heard it is quite good regardless of where it's from. :) Good stuff.

  9. What a great game it was! I was thinking of flipping back and forth to other things on tv after half-time, however, I had a feeling Laval would wake up. Boy did they! 2 quick td's and they started rolling. Give them credit for coming back and taking the lead, but I was really impressed by Mac for not crashing under the disappointment of giving up such a huge lead. If Mac's quarterback doesn't get drafted into the CFL I'd be very surprised. He is clutch and cool as a cucumber and a good accurate arm. Some of those throw's you just don't see at that level. One of the best football games I have ever watched.

  10. I've decided to expand my project, forget the bench, I want to build a house like Lew's! Well.....maybe not build, but buy one like it. :) Very nice place you have there Lew to say the least. And thanks for all your input and offers, I've got a lot to work with.

  11. A peg board on the wall by the bench is always handy to hold the smaller tools you use on a regular basis, rather than digging thru the toolbox all the time.



    Haha, it's funny you mention that Lew, I was thinking of that seconds before I read your reply. It simply drives me crazy digging through for tools.

  12. I have a space in my basement I am planning on building my own work bench. Looking for idea's from those that have done this with success. I also plan to utilize the wall above the table for storage.....so any shelving\storage innovations you have come up with would be great too.



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