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Everything posted by Bly

  1. Well done Rick!! Nice to see that your hardwork is being recognized!! Bly
  2. Make that 70! LOL
  3. Way to go Joey and Tybo!! Too bad about the big one Joey but you'll get another!! Thanks for sharing your report and pictures! bly
  4. Thanks Alex and thanks for the new rod! Thanks! The desire to learn and improve is amazing motivation. I would have been happy with one LOL It was a good day, just a hard day Bly
  5. Awww shucks ..thanks Wayne! Welcome to the board Alex!! Bly
  6. Thank you all!! Thanks CC! To hook and fight a 15 would be a huge thrill even if I lost it lol I do feel a little taller today LOL Haha! We do not have a problem, we go out, we fish, we catch fish, Nooo problem!! Bly
  7. Thank you everyone Having a great birthday! Caught a steelie yesterday wearing my new birthday waders Ccmt took the day off, my oldest (Amanda) was very pleasant this morning and took care of the dog so I could sleep in and Sydney did her part by sleeping in also! Got it yesterday!! LOL bly
  8. Well, I had a few hours today while the little one was at school, so I threw my fishing gear in the car and headed to the local tackle store. The weather held off, so maybe I could get a few hours in fishing! While I was in the tackle store a gentleman and I were talking about the local steelhead spots. He started explaining them to me and I jokingly said "If you're heading there now, maybe I'll follow you in my car"...haha. He said "Why not? I'll take you there and show you some of my favourite pools". I followed him in the car and we headed out to the trib. He stayed about 20 minutes or so and showed me the spots before he left. After a nice thank you, I headed back out to try out my luck with ccmt's noodle rod, fresh roe and net. I went to the first hole he pointed out and had 2 hits within the first 15 to 20 minutes!! The steelie apparently moved on from that spot, so I moved to a different location after scouting the current, water levels, clarity etc.... I found myself at a spot he didn't point out, but it looked promising to me. Two drifts into this spot and my float went under!! I saw the fish, but he dove and spit the hook!! A few more drifts, the float goes down and the same thing happened. At least he hadn't moved on yet. I changed up my roe bag to a different colour and continued drifting in that general area. Finally...the float went down yet again and this time I didn't miss it! FISH ON! After a nice little battle, I landed this nice 22" steelie! Here's my pic...I suppose officially I went 1 for 3 on the day...my best day on the tribs yet. This was a special day for me....a real confidence booster for me because I wasn't sure that I'd be able to land one without help. Sorry team 9, my other fish beat this one, so no tourney entry.
  9. Anyone care to chat and waste a little time?? Alex, if you read this....you better join! lol bly
  10. Welcome to OFNCommunity......great bunch of people!! Bly
  11. Good for you CC....3/5 not bad at all!! bly
  12. Whatever you decide to do....I hope it brings you immense satisfaction! Been several suggestions as to what to do with the key and where to put the key.....wouldn't it be grand if you could place that key right up....well you know! good luck! bly
  13. Welcome to the board Bryce!! Looks like you are already getting an example of why this is the BEST site on the net! LOL Nipissing....we can't all be perfect! Bly
  14. Welcome back!! Sooo, getting the boat out.......does that mean that Team 9 can expect a nice big fish soon? LOL Seriously though....nice to see you and Fishindevil back on the board Family emergencies are never easy, hope everything evens out soon and gets back to normal. bly
  15. Glad to have you back! Good luck with the boat this weekend bly
  16. WooHoo!! Very very nice! You went for it and what a beauty pay off!! I had the same "why bother" attitude today and I am ashamed to admit....I fell for it. Stayed home,packed away the ice gear and reorganized the soft water stuff.....should have went fishing :wallbash: bly
  17. Welcome to the OFNCommunity!! Bly
  18. Welcome back! Posting the pics of the fish was great but did you REALLY have to show the swimming pool and the great sunshine?? LOL Glad to hear that you had fun and caught some nice fish! bly
  19. Oh may the fish gods bless you with a World Record Musky!!! Thank you sooo much!! bly
  20. thanks for the heads up on the frog and flower picture but I still cannot seem to get the key tothe door from the animal code thing in the wall
  21. pressed the button and the drawer opens...nothing there bly
  22. ok, I have tried this thing 4 times now and on 2 different computers....I normally and not one to cheat but I also have trouble just walking away lol and I have to drive to MI in the am and I just know this thing is going to keep me awake...help! I am at the wall with the animal code thing...can't figure out what I am doing wrong....I know the code is different every time....I have orange bunny (drawing from drawer) green cat (picture under table) pink butterfly (box/light) blue flower (book & crayon) also have paper with box code crayon hook thing screwdriver screws brown dirt thing glass box 3 white balls 2 green 1 grey 1 red am I missing something and is there anything with the flower picture on the wall ?? thanks! bly
  23. oh thank you!! I tried and tried this morning to get the wall thing to work, then I started a whole new game this afternoon thinking that I did something wrong and it still wouldn't let me get pass the wall. Guess I will just try and load another new one....thanks again...thought I was nutz..of course I still could be but that is for another post! lol bly
  24. Welcome to the board Suds bly
  25. I am with you Terry..denial is a wonderful state of mind! bly
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