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Everything posted by belippy

  1. belippy


    Very nice shot!!
  2. CN tower is nice for the cover
  3. I found a few on kijiji, $1350 met a few guys...lenses are all beaten up and 970g is a bit heavy for travel 24-105's weight us perfect (I don't have it anymore) 24-70 2.8 II is my frist choice but $2300 and saw this coming soon lens 24-70 IS 4/f for $1650 (might be a very good travel lens)
  4. I have a FF 5dmk2 I had 24-105 before traded it for the 70-200 2.8 IS II I love the 24-70 II but $1000 for 2.8 I rather try the new 24-70 f/4.
  5. Almost all my lenses are prime lens 14mm 2.8 II, 50mm 1.2, 85mm 1.2 II, 100mm 2.8 IS, 135mm f/2 and just bought a 70-200 2.8mm IS II and this thing is heavy. That is one reason why I want a light weight zoom lens. I need to find a walk arround lens for my (coming up) caribbean trips. Mostly outdoor, so f/4 should be good enough? I think. 24-70mm 2.8 II is my second choice, but gosh $2500... the first generation 24-70mm 2.8 is like 970g, almost double the weight of the 24-70 f/4 and has no IS. $1650 should be reasonable.
  6. Canon 24-70mm f/4 IS. price is $1650+tax abit pricey. but very light 600g!!
  7. I can't imagine how you get use to Abu's rod after you've been using NRX for a while!
  8. btw, which 500mm lens do you have?
  9. How's the pxl-rs? I saw you have 3. How good are they in terms of smoothness, weight and power? Are they alot better than the D7 or maybe steez?
  10. I use to have 16-35 II and I traded in for a 14 II, now I miss my 16-35. I found 16-35 is more useful than 14. I'm using a full frame as well.
  11. ah long, where are all your cores? you sold them all?
  12. did you find the 14mm is similar to 16-35mm @ 16mm?
  13. is that real?
  14. I wonder how many lenses do you have??
  15. use to go 3-4 times a week, but due to family and job. Now I got to go once a year ...... sad
  16. What happened to Dave Mercer? He lost a lot of weight when I saw his Calcutta D advertise. He used to have a big belly right? Hope everything is al-right for him.
  17. Nice big wallies I like your white shimano shirt
  18. Nice video and nice fish. Why did u keep blowing your arm?
  19. I used to use 6-8lb braid in my td-s spinning reel, but may be I guess the diameter is too small that it will create a funny squishing noise when I retrieve. Since then I end up using 20 lb braid due the the diameter is closest to a 6-8lb mono size! Smooth and long cast without any problem!
  20. My baby girl finally arrived! Still need some time for her name! When my wife was in the labour room, nurse told us it was like 9 cm opened. Cool, so we were excited and ready. But when the doctor came and scan, he said the baby was upside down. So the head was facing the opposite of exit. We need a c-section! After 2 more hours. Tada, a heathy 8lb 5oz baby girl. Soooo happy Wife and baby are doing fine! Life is soooo beautifully good! Happy happy!
  21. ca.wholesalesports.com
  22. I rent boat at gores landing, and use drop shot near the sunken railroad. there are lots of smallies.
  23. thank you guys, I'll be more patient. btw, my boy is 2 1/2 now. just can't wait to have a girl
  24. My daughter still dosen't wanna come out from my wife's tummy...
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