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Everything posted by Danubian

  1. Live trapping works excellent, but only if you toss the trap in the nearby pond. Discard drowned raccoon and repeat trapping.
  2. Awesome catches Mike, congratulations! I haven't had too much luck on catching "brownies" - perhaps the usual streams I fish don't hold many resident trout, or it's just me. I would like to try new places, scout in the unknown... If I can ask a favor, do you mind PM-ing me an approximate location tip? I'll reciprocate... Danubian
  3. Hello everyone! I haven't posted anything in long time, because of me not fishing as much as I should and also for not carrying a camera with me. But yesterday I made a dent in all this, by putting my day off to a better use, so fishing gear in hand and camera in my pocket, at 8:30 am I was wetting my line. It's been an epic 5 hours, bugs tearing me a new one, but also constant action. I landed over 20 brookies and lost about 10 more -of course those were the largest... Most of the fish caught -and released to fight another angler- were small but such beautiful little jewels! The only insect that didn't draw blood. My little companions...
  4. Eight or seven years back this "runoff water mgmt system" held many species, like: brown bullhead, sunfish, crappie, carp, perch and the odd bass. One spring it even has been stocked with rainbow trout, which didn't survive mainly because of overfishing, but also because the water cannot keep cool enough during the summer months. (Excepting the carp and bass, I caught there any of the fish species mentioned, and I have spotted the other 2.) Then something changed and there has been an invasion of "goldfish" - perhaps parents dumped their kids' neglected aquariums?... Anyhow, three years ago I spotted the first ones, and they were larger than my palm. Last time I fished there 2 years ago and the water was swarming with white and bright orange "koi" that were not taking any bait, and after an hour of so I caught only one sunfish - it was so tiny that it looked like "a day old". That was the signal that I am wasting my time and moved into other waters - after all, Credit River is just another 10 minutes away, and you can bring kids, never seen a CO and any pool holds enough chubs to keep kids busy in constant action. Where to? Churchville Park, Riverrun Park, Riverview Park, at the bottom of the hill in Rivergrove Park, Streetsville Park, etc, etc.
  5. Mepps Aglia small size (#0 or #1) Panther Martins small size (#0..#2) Rooster Tail small size - this one used particularly in strong currents and reeled back in just under the water surface generates a "vroom" which seems to work very well for some trout species and completely deter others. I always used a snap swivel, although I know that is very "noisy" and the larger, wiser trout get spooked, but it offers the convenience of almost instantly replacing the lures. I didn't get less fish with it than without it, but I feel it in the guts that I get the smaller, "innocent" ones. (I know one particular pool where I consistently caught 5-6 inch brookies, although in occasions I seen a couple of large ones - 15-20 inch - and once I witnessed a gentleman than was flyfishing and caught a male brookie of at least 6 pounds if not larger.) I got rid of all the treble hooks from my lures and tied smaller single barbless hooks, using a small loop of 10lb test line, same loop and knot that is used for tying jigs. Always used ultra light gear and a 4lb test line. That makes even a quarter pounder feel as large as a bucketmouth . Technique question: do you cast upstream and let it go with the flow, or do you cast straight downstream and then just reel it back?
  6. Just wondering...
  7. I guess most of you recently learned a bit more details on how a nuclear reactor works, so you realize that is quite complicated -if not impossible- to adjust the electricity output in just one hour, just because 1 million light bulbs have been turned off - that's probably less than 1% of the electricity that the reactor/powerplant produces usually. For a gas or coal powered turbine, this is pretty much similar: one hour is nothing, even if we'll turn off all our appliances. For hydro, it's useless: hydro is green; the water will flow down the river anyway... So basically, turning off lights for just one hour has only a symbolic role - we're not gonna save the Planet. Not that way! I didn't observe the Earth Hour. Didn't need to, and I'm saving enough electricity in the summer by not using my A/C too often -last year I totaled 8 days of use- and being "green" [once in a while] by riding my bicycle to work - once or twice a week. Not to mention that I'm not a big fan of Christmas lights... Somehow, I imagine that during that hour the "smart guys" from the energy sector are just re-routing the power that is not used by the lightbulbs and sell it to some industry sector, so the pollution effect will be twofold: once the emissions for producing the electricity and once more for using that power in some industrial process, which more likely has a significant carbon footprint and possibly produces some byproducts bad for the environment. It's just common sense to assume that this is more likely to happen, since electricity cannot be stored efficiently; once is produced, it needs to be spent immediately. Just my 2c.
  8. How about you store the cans into a cooler to keep them from freezing? The cooler is supposed to have a thermal insulation. Even better insulation if you dig a hole in the ground, pad the hole with some straws, put the cooler in the hole, then cover well the whole with some wood panel and/or planks. That will sure not freeze, unless your cottage is in the Arctic. Rust on cans: if is just some rust film that you can wipe away with your hand/rag its' OK, but if the cans are corroded, I would throw them away.
  9. I live in a townhouse complex and last summer I had some younger neighbors which one late night started a fight on their front lawn. (There were 2 or 3 couples living together in that unit -probably rented- and one couple I guess was moving out, because they were throwing stuff out when the fight began.) He was wearing only a pair of shorts and was yelling, swearing at her, then punched her in the face a couple of times, then he started dragging her by her hair, finishing the round by kicking her in the ass or stomach. She was crying and asking for help. I called 911 and tried to explain the situation, but apparently the operator was more interested to establish my identity/location, although I told them that I need no help myself. Anyhow... As we were speaking, the guy started round 2 of beating up his wife/gf and the operator clearly heard the young woman crying for help. Now the operator asked about these guys address and I couldn't tell which unit number was, being in the opposite corner, but I mentioned that there is a lot of junk on their lawn an a moving van parked on the driveway. The operator said they will dispatch a unit and when I found that I was the only person calling in about the incident, I mentioned that I don't want the cops knocking at my door. I gave them my phone number and I said "call me and we can discreetly meet in my backyard, if you need a witness for your report". Call me a woos, but I had obvious reasons to do so... 20 minutes later -when everything was calm- a cops cruiser arrived, they drove by, couldn't figure the suspect's unit -obviously the junk and the van were still there- and they came straight up knocking to my door. I had to answer and indicated them where the incident took place, but they didn't bother to go and check. They said something like "call us again when they start fighting". Now I was wondering what's in the store for me in case the wifebeater figured I called the cops on them, but luckily they packed and moved the next day. I think that this was an exception having to deal with the only pair of the laziest cops I ever seen, but I am still shocked what a bunch of chickenass neighbors I have. How is it possible to hear and see all that "horror show" and still do nothing???
  10. Prank me and I'll make sure you chew and swallow them one by one... and that's only if you can swim your way back to shore.
  11. Beautiful fish! Indeed, it's been a great spring for brookies...
  12. About 4 years ago I caught perch and the odd bass in the lake, fishing from shore . Also, a few springs ago I caught a few bass and one walleye below the dam, bust since both species were OOS, I moved away from the spot and caught nothing else. Shouldn't be also brook/brown trout in the river below the dam? I haven't been there recently.
  13. Please be aware that if you go in the "black bear county", chances for a bear encounter are quite high on a stream/river during the sucker run. In particular, avoid the shallows.
  14. Perhaps for most of them the two World Wars were just 2 little paragraphs in some odd history textbook, that they didn't read anyway. One comes to wonder how is this much different than the fact that more and more often the Christmas is being replaced by the "Winter Holidays"? Sad or not, it's a sure sign of our times...
  15. I found that when using the rubber stops, I couldn't cast as far as I would be able to, when attaching a knot on the line to form a bobber stop. Danubian
  16. Dentists are like the Mafia. Perhaps some of them even worst than the Mafia, since Mafia at least have a sense of honor... My parents, both were dentists -in another country, much different- and I can tell you that most of the stuff that it costs you thousands of $$$ today, could be done with perhaps hundreds, tops. Not talking about implants or dental surgery - just the basic treatments: cavity treatment and fillings, root canal fillings, cleaning, scaling, simple bridges. Let's say the consumables would cost today tenfold, it's still a lot of room left... But what makes the prices spiral, are mainly 2 things: - the exaggerated cost for education & licensing: an arm and a leg + interest. Who's paying for ? You, the patient, because you're at the bottom of the food chain... - the involvement of the private insurance in the act: all the dentists that work with insured patients tend to charge the max allowable amount for a certain procedure. Year after year, like it or not, the insurance companies have to review their "blue book values" and they always go up. Who's paying, again? You, the patient, since on one hand the insurance companies allow those values to spiral up, and on the other hand they limit the amount you can be covered for, per year - discussing the typical group insurance, which most of us receive in our benefits package. Just my 2 cents.
  17. Hello! Here are my "catch and release" browns from past Friday: They are small healthy looking fish, but they fought bravely... Tight lines everyone! Danubian
  18. If your spinners have a hook attachment ring, then you can remove the treble and attach one single hook to the ring. However, I found it not quite worth the trouble since hooks usually don't have the eye large enough to allow free movement once attached to the ring, so the hook is somewhat semi-rigid. So many fish hitting the lure I lost -not even hooked- because of the hook not being where it should have been... Most of the spinners -PantherMartins particularly- don't even have an attachment ring so after a "trial and error process", including attaching a ring, in the end I applied a more radical solution to it: snipped off the treble and attached a single hook by running a small jig loop of 12lb mono through the eye of the spinner and the eye of the hook. ( jig knot -> http://www.eangler.com/static/eangler/knots/jigloop.htm ). I thought 12Lb would be strong enough to resist when the lure gets tangled on a branch, a rock or some weeds. It works pretty well, so now I have a whole "Upper Credit" set of spinners.
  19. Hello everyone! I was wondering how is the perch biting this time of year in Barrie, at the Marina or at the Tiffin launch? I know that in late fall isn't that bad, but I was wondering is it's worth trying now. (I fish from the shore.) Thanks, Danubian
  20. But of course, my brave paddawan... Particularly when one writes cracking software, it pays a lot, but it's rather satisfaction than money. And all the GPL and Open Source software, what would you say about that?
  21. I guess, the epitome of this heated thread would be reached when someone will download an illicit copy of the Canadian Copyright book. HAAAHAA!
  22. My wiseassedness would have used Linux, Einstein. Not at all, but it rhymes prefect with SISSY (Eventually you made me say it, son!)
  23. And why is he a thief, Chris? I didn't get when he confessed that he's downloading copyrighted music for free. The man just advocated for it. (In your vision I guess then it's OK if we simply call JUNKIES the "legalize marijuana" advocates also, isn't it?) Do we have a bruised ego here, Chrissy? Are your feelings hurt by the tasteless brute who didn't like your sweet little muzak? Hush-hush and go hug the teddy bear...
  24. Chris, Your efforts to learn playing the guitar are very pale compared to the efforts of a guy that learned to program a computer. Then, it comes into play your musical genius VS his technical genius (to create ripping tools, protection crackers, P2P software and so on). So far you're at par... But anyway, I'd say that both of you do what you do out of dedication, professional vocation and [why not?] an amount of sacrifice. If you're worth anything whatsoever, you'll surface anyway. Meanwhile, stop whining Chrissy and good luck fishing!
  25. From the second e-mail published here: Because of privacy concerns, we cannot give any information regarding the plaintiff, as we do not provide any information to the plaintiff about you except if ordered by a court of law. If you want to know who the plaintiff is, you can search on the internet who is the copyright owner of the material referenced in the complaint. My understanding is that: 1) There is a plaintiff which filed a complaint against/at the ISP 2) The ISP is keeping a traffic log - obviously...- that could be used in an investigation if ordered by a court of law I think that the simplest scenario of this story is where the "plaintiff" - i.e. Adobe Corp - planted the file as a bait, then it recorded all the accesses and in the end, it sent mass complaint e-mails to the originating ISPs, most probably only to those ISPs which are under US, Canadian or EU jurisdiction. Pursuing someone in justice for such a minor thing as in downloading PhotoShop, or "In Bruges", is rather a joke. Their legal costs would be huge and the "return of investment" uncertain. How do they decide to sue Joe Millionaire and not Ricky Burgerflipper? Do they hire an investigator first? Or maybe they sue both guys, and if so, for how much in punitive damages?... I am not saying "keep downloading from torrents", but you got my point. And yes, if you can find a proxy, preferably from a country that cannot be summoned in a US or Canadian court, the sooner the better. (That suddenly reminded me about what telemarketers did with the National DO Not Call List... :-)) )
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