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The Urban Fisherman

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Everything posted by The Urban Fisherman

  1. What MSP said for the most part... except for the casting distance in my case. I fish it texas rigged on a baitcaster as the only time I'll fish it texas rigged in when I'm fishing it in heavy cover - ie: Lilly's, thicks weeds, trees etc... In this case I'm using heavy braid, usually tied direct to the hook and am usually targeting Largemouth. I'm also likely pitching at targets which is easier with a baitcaster. Wacky style absolutely gives the bait more "wiggle". There isn't a stiff texas rigged hook going through the middle of hte bait so it wiggles from end to end... giving it an awesome lifelike action. This is pretty much impossible to fish around any sort of heavy cover, but I can get a lot more distance with my spinning rod, casting to far off rock breaks etc for smallmouth. I'll also cast along side weed beds, the edges of lily's, trees, or skip it up under docks and tree overhangs that don't don't have a lot of snags underneath. If I can get away with it I'll always fish it wacky.... even if I'm going to lose more baits I'd rather that than to get less bites...
  2. Hey guys! I have to film some underwater footage of bank undercuts... Preferably under cat tails... I know where there's a ton of them on the bay of Quinte that go several feel under the cat tails. That said if I can avoid having to drive 4 hours to film underwater footage for an hour that'd be awesome lol I'd rather walk 5 minutes down to my dad's boat on the bay! Feel free to PM me if you'd prefer... there's some free baits in it for anyone who can point me in the right direction! Thanks! Ryan
  3. haha No worries bud - I wish you were able to make it out! Maybe still a chance? We received it on our end MOS!!! THANKS so much for the generous donation! It will certainly add to our tally! We're gonna miss you Loonie! See you next year? Hey HTHM - Yep, it's certainly bigger then my Q... almost twice the size... The one we had our eyes on was giant, but then we found out it was a wood BBQ which would have been a pain so we're going with plan B which is Susie's BBQ... newer than mine and like I said, pretty much twice as big.
  4. AWESOME THANKS so much for the post and the bonus shirt!!! I posted some pics of the rod above that you sent us but your breakdown is WAY better!
  5. Hey guys! We sent out an e-mail to all of our registrants but I figured it wouldn't hurt to paste it here as well for anyone who's surfing OFC at work! lol First off, I’d like to take a moment to thank you for supporting the Fish-A-Thon For A Cure. If you have attended the Fish-A-Thon in the past welcome back, we’re glad you have decided to participate again. If this is your first Fish-A-Thon, welcome, we’re excited to have you join us. For those participants who are new the Fish-A-Thon For A Cure begins bright and early with registration, continues with a day on the lake, and concludes with a barbecue, awards, and prizes. It’s a fairly relaxed atmosphere and we leave it up to our participants to decide exactly what they’d like to take away from the experience. Below is an outline of the day’s activities as well as a list of items you’ll need for the event. FISH-A-THON FOR A CURE 2014 7: 30 am to 9:00 am: Arrive At Deer Creek When you arrive at Deer Creek Conservation Area you will be greeted by a park official or Fish-A-Thon For A Cure volunteer. This individual will collect your park entrance fee ( $11.00 per car ) and direct you to a parking space. Once you have parked your vehicle make your way to the registration table. Registration for the Fish-A-Thon is between 7:30 am and 9:00 am. Volunteers will be present all day so if you’d like to register earlier or later please feel free to do so. At the registration table you will hand in your pledge sheets and check your name off on the participant list. You will then be given a registration package and a ticket. Your ticket has two purposes. First you will need to show your ticket at dinner time and second you will need your ticket if you would like to participate in the prize draws. DO NOT LOOSE YOUR TICKET. After you have registered the real fun begins. If you are launching a boat volunteers will be present to direct you to the launch and help you should you need it. It is important to remember that there are 100-150 participants. Please be patient, boats will be launched much faster with everyone’s cooperation. ELECTRIC MOTORS ONLY: The lake is an electric motor only lake. The LPRCA has been kind enough to allow boats in for our event with their gas motors on, but they have to be trimmed up and at NO TIME is anyone to use their gas motor for any reason. A phone number will be provided to all participants should you need assistance. 12:00 pm to 1:00 pm: Lunch in the Pavilion If you’re looking for a shady place to eat your lunch feel free to swing by the pavillion. Come chat with other participants, find out what the fish are bitting on, grab a drink, or take a quick break. This year pizza will be available for $1.25 a slice on a first come, first served basis. We’ve ordered more than twice what we had last year so there should be plenty but please don’t wait until 1 pm to come in for pizza as you could miss out. 4:00 pm: Evening Activities Largest Fish Contest Should you choose to participate, prizes will be awarded to individuals who catch the largest fish of any species ( usually won by carp ), the biggest bass, and the Deer Creek Grand Slam ( bass, bluegill, crappie, perch, trout, carp ). To be eligible for the big fish prizes you must have a photo of your fish placed along a measuring tape. Photo entries must be brought to the judges before 5 pm. Kids Activities Face Painting, water balloons and a bouncy castle will be at the pavilion for any children who would like to take part. BBQ Hamburgers, hot dogs, salads, drinks and desserts. After a long day on the water come and enjoy a delicious barbecue made possible by our volunteers and our generous sponsors. Awards and Prizes As in the past we've got a ton of great prizes generously donated by our sponsors. Literally thousands of dollars worth of shirts, baits, rods, and so on have been donated for this year’s event. It is very important that we show our sponsors just how much we appreciate their donations by getting as many pledges as possible! Sponsors like to see that their prize donations have helped us to reach our fundraising goals. At the very least a minimum pledge total of $35 per adult is required if you’d like to receive a prize. Please swing by www.fish-a-thon.com/Fish-A-Thon_For_A_Cure/Sponsors.html for a full list of our supporters! WHAT TO BRING Fishing Gear (Rods, Tackle, Bait, Etc) Fishing License Boating Safety Equipment Appropriate Clothing (Be prepared for all weather conditions) Sunscreen Lunch Food - Snacks etc. Water/Drinks Digital Camera/Phone- Something to take photos with Measuring Tape PLEDGE FORMS Note: We will be providing everyone with a map of the lake. Finally if you know anyone who would like to participate in the Fish-A-Thon For A Cure who has not already registered please have them contact me so that I can pass this information along. Once again, thank you so much for your support. We look forward to seeing you at this year’s Fish-A-Thon For A Cure!
  6. More Prizes!!! Huge Shout out to Fishing 101 For Women!! Yvonne reached out to US and was very excited to support our event. We can't thank her enough for the amazing prizes she shipped us! Here's an awesome Frogg Toggs Youth Fishing vest from LONGTIME supporter Lambeth Bait & Tackle! A couple of Rod Combo / Tackle Packs from Angling Sports in London, ON! Gift Certificate from Godfathers Pizza in Port Rowan - They're also hand delivering us 25 Pizza's for lunch! AT THE BRIDGE on Longpoint, ON offered an amazing prize of a 2.5 hour Pontoon Charter!!!! Erie Bait in St. Williams once again donated a rod combo!!! Thanks Mandie and Darryl! Marina Shores Limited from Longpoint, ON donated a kids Mustang Lifejacket!
  7. There's no need to explain on this forum who Mike and Danna are from HANDLEBARZ MUSKY LURES! Mike makes amazing handmade musky lures and they have been huge supporters of the Fish-A-Thon since day 1!!!! It's always good to have companies involved in our event who are making a great name for themselves in the industry! THANK SO MUCH GUYS! This year they're bringing us T-Shirts, Baits, Stickers, and TWO HUNDRED custom made Fish-A-Thon cosies!
  8. All of these prizes happened thanks to Laurie @ Dixie Dairy Bar & Tackle Shop in St. Thomas, ON. These amazing donations are thanks to her hard work and the great companies she works with! She also has a ton more that she hasn't told me about yet! lol Huge Prize, $500 Towards a set of four Toyo Tires INSTALLED! TWO iPod Nanos courtesy of Microcad London! Mentos USB Sticks! A bunch of great stuff from Monster Energy! Thanks to Lucky Bug Lures for Lure Pack! Thanks to KTL for these Tackle boxes and 4 Okuma Combos! Wheel of Fortune Lotto for these texting Gloves! A Mars Bars Cooler! Breyers T-Shirts! WORX Energy Shirt! A wicked General Tires Gardening set! A Toyo Tires Windbreaker! Coke Supplied shirts AND Pop for all of our participants! A Gift Certificate from The Wharf Restaurant!
  9. Year after year one of the most coveted prizes at our Fish-a-Thon is the Spiel Custom rod. Every year our own Spiel from the board here donates one of his beautiful handcrafted rods that he makes especially for our event and we can't thank him enough! Check this bad boy out! More info and prizes coming today!
  10. Mike I was able to get out on the water with John - he was as good as they come, on and off the water... I think of him often and miss him as well! Thanks for starting this thread Lew. I don't manage to get on here as much as I'd like these days but owe a lot to this board and will always be around as much as I can!
  11. Awesome to hear bud!! Can't wait to see you next weekend!
  12. Hey Chris! I hope you can make it - let me know if it's an issue with getting a ride out or something and I'll make sure we find a way to get you out for the day! Thanks so much for the support buddy! Can't wait to spend the weekend with you guys Mike!!! Been looking forward to it for months! haha We're working on a giant BBQ for you this year Hometown!!! I can't make any promises but I'll keep you posted! h
  13. Thanks Mike for the post - AND THANK YOU for the awesome prize donations!!! Mike and Danna always go way over and above to support our event - Can't wait to hang out with you guys this year!
  14. Every year I paste in these legacy photos of some of the fish that are available in this little gem of a lake! Species Available:
  15. Hey Gang! First off, it seems as my kids get older and things get busier & more complicated around here I'm not able to get on OFC as much as I'd like! That said, since day one our Fish-a-Thon for a Cure couldn't happen without the amazing support from everyone on this great forum! I have to thank everyone from the bottom of my heart for the ongoing support, from our volunteers, to our sponsors and everyone else involved in the event. This year's event is ONLY A WEEK AND A HALF AWAY!!!! Boy did that ever creep up fast on me! LOL We have nearly 100 people singed up so far and are receiving prizes from all of our sponsors daily! I have to send a huge shout out to Laurie from Dixie Dairy Bar and Tackle in St. Thomas who has once again gone way over and above with prize donations! She's also offered to pledge anyone who walks into the shop looking for one, so make sure to pop in and see her. We also have a bunch of other stuff rolling in from various companies and members of OFC who have offered to help out with our cause. We'll be posting prizes and other information over the next week and a half! Please, if you're interested in the event pop over to www.fish-a-thon.com to register. If by chance you're able to offer anything for the prize table that'd be awesome as well. We have one little boy that I know of who has already raised over $1200.00 all by himself, and many, many more people who are working hard to gain pledges for the cause and we always try to make sure that everyone goes home with a prize and a full belly! To date we've raised nearly $50,000 and are hoping to crack $60,000 this year - with your support I'm sure we can meet our goal. Far to many people suffer from this terrible disease, and I can't think of a better way to help fight Cancer and support our family and friends who need it by spending a day on the water! Here's a few pics that Juli took last year! More to come very soon - THANK YOU SO MUCH!
  16. amazing TJ you guys did and awesome job... making me feel lazy over here haha honestly it looks wicked...
  17. awesome stuff Brian! From a float tube no less!
  18. awesome stuff Mike - can't wait to see the report!
  19. Awesome stuff Cliff - sorry to hear about the job but I'd take it as a blessing if I were you... You'll have a GREAT summer and will be able to look for something refreshing. I've only fished the bog once and that day my dad caught his PB largie (4+ lbs), a good sized walleye and had a sizeable muskie chase his bait to the boat... all three fish came on a GIANT muskie sized spinnerbait... at a creek mouth... I on the other hand didn't catch a damn thing that day.. but I know there are some good fish to be had! Cheers, Ryan
  20. This post pretty much takes the cake as best report I've ever read on OFC! Amazing stuff all around Simon - thanks SO MUCH for sharing this with us! Much love from myself and my entire family! Cheers, Ryan
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