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Everything posted by redpearl99

  1. who cares if it's legal or not.... your problem is that a 50 gallon tank is way too small for a bass
  2. This is actually a pretty well written explanation of the law: http://www.producer.com/2004/03/public-access-to-waterways-on-private-property-the-law/ problem is that land owners do not understand that waterways are federal crown land. In most circumstances it's because the owner doesnt see much boat traffic so when it occurs they think someone is trespassing. The Fish and Wildlife Conservation Act in Ontario also states the following: Obstruction of hunting, trapping or fishing 13 (1) A person shall not interfere with lawful hunting, trapping or fishing by, a ) tampering with traps, nets, bait, firearms or any other thing used for hunting, trapping or fishing; b ) placing himself or herself in a position, for the purpose of interfering, that hinders or prevents hunting, trapping or fishing; or c ) engaging in an activity, for the purpose of interfering, that disturbs or is likely to disturb wildlife or fish. Notice without authority (2) A person shall not purport to give notice that entry to premises is prohibited for the purpose of hunting or fishing or that hunting or fishing is prohibited on premises unless the person has authority to give the notice. 1997, c. 41, s. 13.
  3. I had to call the police on an aggressive man from the toronto harbour a few years ago.... refused to accept that fishing is legal
  4. I'm looking at getting a new net this year for pier salmon and harbor front pike. something that's large enough for big fish but is also telescoping and has long handle. Any recommendations on what's the best int he market these days?
  5. Here is the short story... my sister has a cottage on Bala Bay, upstream from the Bala Falls. It is connected to Lake Muskoka. I've only ever fished near the cottage in Bala Bay and have hooking into a few bass and pan fish but nothing big.... definitely no pike, walleye or lake trout. The next time I head up I want to explore more into the other connecting lakes (i.e. must be accessible from Bala with boat in water). The three main ones being Lake Muskoka, Lake Joseph, and Lake Rosseau. Is there one lake that has a much better fishery than another? I see a few fishing shows that have targeted Lake Joseph for pike and smallmouth so is that generally considered the best lake in the area?
  6. I appreciate all the advice about other companies but im not going to be fishing muskie that often and im pretty settled on the Abu round reel... so my inquiry's only really about 5000 series vs 6000 series for casting 1.5 - 3oz lures
  7. Im thinking of getting a new baitcaster dedicated to just muskie casting... so no trolling. Wondering which you think is the preferable option ... Abu Garcia C4 5600 vs C4 6600 http://www.basspro.com/Abu-Garcia-Ambassadeur-C4-Classic-Round-Baitcast-Reel/product/1306130740213/ I see a lot of people like the 6600 size reel but is it even necessary if youre just casting for muskie?? It's not like they're gonna go on lone runs like salmon
  8. having an independent adjuster assess a loss is perfectly normal. All insurance companies send claims to adjusters to adjust the loss. The adjuster is basically the person hired for the field work of driving around, investigating, and reporting back to the insurance company about what the damage is. Cunningham Lindsay is also a very large adjusting company in the insurance industry. By the looks of those pictures it appears that the roof was fairly old already and likely in need of repair so it's unlikely the insurance company would pay for the replacement of a brand new roof for the entire home. If you dont believe Intact and its adjuster are wrong then you can file a Small Claims Court action. Usually the act of filing a claim by itself creates and incentive for an insurance company to settle, especially if they have to pay lawyer to fight the claim.
  9. I got those frogs from Dollarama a few years ago.... hooks rusted after first day of use
  10. I wouldn't be using the pike rod for any trolling... only casting from shore and boat. If the 65lb is too heavy for the pike rod then do you think i can put it on a dedicated muskie rod? if not then 65lb doesnt seem to be usefull for any thing... to heavy for pike and too like for muskie. Thanks for the advice guys!
  11. Hello all, It's been a while since I've posted. So i got a new dedicated pike set up to target large 35inch+ fish. Picked up an Abu Garcia Revo SX 7.1 and a 7ft medium heavy rod. For main line I got 65lb powerpro and for leader I got 60lb seaguar Question is if I messed up and went overkill on the 65lb braid mainline. I've never had a dedicated pike set up before so I thought I would go heavier than my bass stuff i was using. I got about 75 yards of line on the Revo which should be fine since im just casting and not trolling. If I should go lighter with the main line then I basically threw $30 down the drain as I cant use 65lb for bass and it's too like for the muskie setup I'm building.
  12. thanks for the advice guys
  13. I'm wondering if anyone has any recommendations between these two travel rods. The short story is that I'll be traveling to Tanzania and want to do some light sea fishing and try and hook into a couple jacks. No tuna, marlin or anything big like that. So I've been thinking about these two rods: - ugly stik 4 piece medium 6 foot 6 inch - $45 - Rapala Magnum 4 piece medium 7 foot - $65 The rapala is not the baja series but the regular magnum travel rod. I ended up buying the ugly stik today because i thought I could probably abuse it much more. The last thing i want to happen on the trip is for the rod to break. But now that I've got the ugly stik, I'm starting to second guess myself. Any advice would be appreciated, Red
  14. yep great glasses, I had the same pair last year but I lost them one the first day
  15. I used the albright knot for line to line. It seems to be a wonderful knot when wanting to connect a lower diameter braid to a high diameter leader
  16. So i tried tying some 40lb leaders yesterday for pike but the line is too thick to maintain a great knot. palomar and improved clinch didnt work too well so my question is, what knot do you guys use to tie 40lb+ to a swivel ?
  17. this doesnt seem very promising guys since bass season is closed
  18. I'll be going there this weekend.... has anyone fished that area and have any advice?? what kind of fish should I be targeting? any pike?
  19. anyone know of a good gps map I could use on the cell phone? looking for something what would have depths of lakes Red
  20. his youtube channel as like 4 episodes with aaron now
  21. They should really just rename the show..... "Canadian Sportfishing: a half-hour Rapala commercial"
  22. I created a new drinking game of watching Canadian Sportfishing and takeing a drink every time Italo says "such beautiful colours" or introduces a Rapala product.......... got wasted in the first 5 mins
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