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Stern Rules

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Everything posted by Stern Rules

  1. Has anyone ever tried ice fishing in the main ponds in Waterford? Not the stocked one.
  2. You should have asked him if he wanted to go for a swim. I can't stand jerk offs like that either. Nevermind etiquette, how about some common sense.
  3. video here http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QHN7jophLH8
  4. We went over to Calais when in N.B. and took a drive along the St. Croix river. We walked along the shore at low tide and saw these in the first 2 pics. I'm pretty sure that is a blood worm and a king starfish. Date should be 07.
  5. More pics from New Brunswick.
  6. Here are some more pics from when I went to N.B. Still some more to go. The date should be 07 in the first two.
  7. I knew it would look bad but I did NOT have a second line in the water. I was getting it ready for later, whenever that was gonna be. Take a good look, you can see.
  8. Video here http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UxuuTkpuZA4
  9. Nice pics. Where is Stobie Dam? I'm in Brantford.
  10. Did anyone have problems with last years Abu Garcia rod and reels Canadian Tire had on? It was the green ones. I gave my brother one and he said about six inches of the tip broke off. Has this happened to anyone else? I gave it to him this summer and it wasn't used 'til then and he didn't use it that much yet. Just wonderin'?
  11. Where did yas get the Facts Of Fishing shirts?
  12. Nice brown. What did you catch him on?
  13. Just a deer we saw in a field in New Brunswick when we were out lookin' for some brookie spots. She had two fawns with her.
  14. Stern Rules

    some shots

    One of those pics looks alot like a shot in Chronzy's show.
  15. Nice pic of the eagle with the moon in the background. Nice
  16. Nice to see brookies being caught in Ontario. I'm only used to them in New Brunswick. Their fun to catch no matter how small.
  17. Kennyman and Smitty, I believe it was around 16 inches, can't remember. Just remember it was about 3 1/2 lbs. I got it on one of those samples I got of Gulp 3 years ago and haven't used yet. I was a green worm and was getting pretty hard but managed to get it on the hook. Thought it was snagged at first but then it moved. Video is here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xbB_iGSqK0Y
  18. Didn't get around to posting these last Sunday so here they are. Was trying for catfish and had no luck so finally tried my worm rig with a Gulp and got this beauty, my biggest ever and the only thing I caught. And by the way, the Dream Theater show the day before at the Amphitheatre was totally awesome. Video is here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xbB_iGSqK0Y
  19. Almost up to the fish pics. Just a few more to go.
  20. I'm from New Brunswick but never fished when I lived there. The last 3 summers I've gone down in July for 2 weeks. Me and my brothers went out for flounder last year but only caught sculpin, but I think I had on a flounder 'cuz it had weight to it but when I got it up close to where I could see what it was it spit the hook. But I was using a medium-heavy Ugly Stik and that wasn't bad but you might want to use a bit stronger rod so you can really set the hook. I had on 12 lb test and was using a spinning reel. That's all you need. Now my brother says August is better for flounder so you might have good luck. We were bottom fishing with clams. I believe the best time is when the tide is coming in. That brings in the flounder. If you fish around salmon cages, make sure you're allowed to. Some places don't like boats in around them. And for mackeral, pretty much any thing will do. I've never fished for them offshore tho, just when the tide was coming in. But Leo and Ron from Fish TV were in P.E.I. jigging off a boat. Pretty fun. What part are you going too? Take pics to share with us later. And have fun. I did.
  21. Yet more pics. A lot more to go and almost up to the fish ones. Just had to share the scenery. Nothing like being waaaay out in the boonies and walking a mile up a little creek. Absolutely no one else around but me and my brother. The brookies may be small in some spots but it's a lot of fun. Gotta love summer. Eleven months to go and do it all over again. Woohoo!!!
  22. I am from New Brunswick but live in Ontario. I visit there twice a year.
  23. More pics.
  24. More pics.
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