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Everything posted by Nater

  1. Nater


    Think we'll have ice for whittie openner? Nate
  2. old joke...but A for effort Nate
  3. Maybe they all went over to the states to avoid the gauntlet...spring is cancelled, everyone can take their white buckets and go home
  4. SAWEET...good job man. Hopefully be out tommorow as well Nate
  5. I have the lower end marcim (VX1) got it for a great price and for what I paid am happy with how it performs. I got a 9 degree vex transducer from vanselena (thanks again) and use it on my Marcum while fishing for whitties at simcoe. 9 degree cone is a great idea in deeper water for whitties and lakers. The zoom on the vx1 isn't as fancy as the lx5 zoom but it is still better then no zoom like the FL8. I wish I had just bit the bullet and got the lx3 or lx5 now but the vx1 has treated me well and I can upgrade when I scrounge up the money. Nate once you use a flasher you will never go on the ice without it again
  6. I don't really agree with what gerritt said about the cost of building custom rods. You have to look at it this way, you're building a rod to the specifications best suit you NOT what the factory does for everyone else. Plus you have the ability to choose the components. For example a raven float rod has about a 5" foregrip on all of their factory rods with a 12" or so rear grip. Alot of guys I know prefer to have the reverse setup (12" foregrip, 5" butt grip), and the only way you can do that with a factory rod is to get sliding rings but I deffinately prefer a realseat. I don't want any expensive reels falling out of the rings and smashing off the rocks. You cna also fiddle with different grades of cork for jigging rods etc. factory companies just use garbage cork for the most part and for ultimate sensitvity your going to want a high grade cork which you can only get with a custom rod. as for a drying motor use an old rotissery motor and rig it up to hold the rod to spin it while drying. As for the wrapper it's very basic to build yourself. You dotn need an electric wrapper unless your doing it for a business or building a ton of rods in my opinion. go visit www.rodbuilding.org and take a look around there. Lots of tutorials etc and lots of help from the members See I can contribute positive information everyone Nate
  7. Sure there is plenty of water but we both know that the area you guys were fishing is the holding spot and there isn't much room... Like you said you don't own the river so I dont see how we should have asked permission? I think there is plenty of room down there for lots of guys to fish as it isn't exactly a fast flow. All depends what you call ettiquette, had the shoe been on the other foot I could care less if you guys wanted to come down and fish off the point, and i wouldnt be upset if you didnt choose to tell me your lifes story because not everyone is social. Nate I'm sure I'll see ya wednesday
  8. I can't see how it wouldn't be personal seeing as while we were talking that day I mentioned I read and wasnt exactly a fan of doing reports. So Im sure he knew I'd read it on here. I just dotn understand coming to the internet and clearly trying to make an example of someone when at the river you just played it off like everything is cool and going great. The human race is confusing. Nate
  9. The thing is it wasn't like that at all. The drift has the equivalent speed of a pond and when your floats are 20' apart minimum its not like your crowding someone....and what is with the affixiation on "those guys with float reels" seen plenty of goofs with spinning reels do the same thing. The guys drifting the whole pool are assuming everyone will follow suit... guy at the bottom tosses to the top then the 2nd guy from the bottom and so on allowing everyone to cover the pool and fish in unison. Despite what soem may think we aren't in Alaska or BC. lots of fisherman and very little water. Quit being so damn bitter and make the best of it Nate
  10. Not sure if your reffering to me or not. Im assumign you are but I never thought we had any conflicts the first day I fished with you? We talked the majority of the afternoon and maybe I can't interpret people very well but I didn't get the idea you had a problem with me fishing there... Lots of room to fish down there and I didnt have any idea I was intruding on your space? kinda limited room to cast from there but an ample amount fo water. I wasn't the one who made the remark about the internet things but I kinda agree with what my buddy said. As you mentioned there are not alot of people at that particular peice of water and it would be nice if it stayed that way so the couple of semi local guys can fish it without a crowd like many other spots on the river. I think he was referring to the pics basskicker threw up where there is a bit of a noticeable backgorund but again it isnt blatantly obviuos where the fish were caught. I fish that section 7 days a week and dont have a problem if you wanna come fish 2' beside me especially if we are talking and I assume we are getitng along ok. Why didnt you say something at the time then if you had a problem? If you wanted some space you shoulda said something, the way we were talking I thought you were ok and there was ample room. You have to remeber there is MAYBE 15' of land to cast to that spot. I dont see it as greasing at all when there is a good 120' of water to drift...not like its shoulder to shoulder Nate
  11. gotta leave it open till the results from mnr are in...aniceguy is affiliated with mnr and he beleives that it is a brown so I'd have to say his input is as good as any other form the mnr but interesting to see what Dmasse's buddies come up with tommorow
  12. If we are on the topic of spelling, I beleive God is spelt with a capital G .
  13. Nice reel and Nice fish. Know some buddies who were down saturday that did really good as well. I need to get a drivers license, don't get to head down as often as I'd like. Nate
  14. Well ehg seeing as the atlantic in your picture seems to have three and ONLY 3 black spots take a look at rich's fish yet again. I see WAY more than 3 black dots on the gill cover/ head region. Be interesting to see what Dmasse's mnr connections have to say and weather or not he chooses to post if they confirm it as a brown. Alot of seasoned river fisherman on this site have cleary Identified this fish as a brown but we'll see and IF it is confirmed that it is a brown then may you bite your tongue and retract your last statement above. Nate I dont seem to be the only one who firmly beleives it is a brown...funny how you like to choose favourites
  15. DMASSE I beleive you should take a look at a map...Salmon river is on the south east part of lake Ontario, not Lake Erie. It's a Brown trout 100% Nate
  16. Baffles me that you can fish rivers and not distinguish between a brown and an atlantic Do they put something in the water you guys drink over there? Nate
  17. quick everyone to the OFC bandwagon...loogans unite!
  18. Gerrit how many bows did you catch that day? 4 MAYBE? Face the facts you got whooped by a 17 yr old. I love the "stay strong" as a group mentality here what a joke. Me and oen other guy were there and I have a whopping total of 6 pictures from that day. I guess that makes Mike and I on the same level as supermodels along with you? I seem to recall you posting pictures from that trip on this site talk about calling the kettle black Nate
  19. As if I could care less that you guys saw I caught fish...I'd rather keep everythign underwraps then showing the loogan circus where the fish are on. I love how Dmasse acts like a 2 yr old and everyone here comes running to protect him. I suppose you have to protect your own and incase your interested DMASSE I fish 7 days a week...I guess we wouldn't call that logging time on the water? Nate
  20. Ya I guess your right I should be posting pictures of every single fish so that I can come to a board mostly full of people who have not the slightest idea on how to steelhead and get my ego boost to reassure myself that im good at fishing. I think it's pathetic that at 30+ years old you feel that you have to certify your skills by posting pictures of 3lb fish 6 different angles and then challenge a 17 year old who should be looking for an ego boost to say he isn't catching fish because he isn't posting pictures. As far as Paulus' statement it was the BEAVER cleary myself and the other 8931572395 people must have greased you out...considering in the picture we can clearly see that there is plenty of space between us. But your right IM an idiot Nate Didnt see this till today as I was down in the states hammering on BIG steelhead with my buddies...here's a couple pictures of many fish. I'd like my hero cookie please
  21. so 6 pictures 2 different fish? Nate
  22. well seeing as a fish can't feel the pain of a hook being set into it's mouth I highly doubt it feels anymore pain when hooked anywhere else on the body. Fish don't have quite the same nervous system as us and beleive it or not they are very efficient of getitng hoosk stuck in their body out. and the ones that they can't get out will rust out on their own eventually Bottom line you snag a fish break it off and suck up your loss of a 15 cent hook Nate
  23. chances are if you hook a fish in the mouth it is going to come up to the top of the water and headshake...there is a noticeable feel when a fish is shakkign it's head back and forth that can't be mistaken. You put a hook anywhere else on a fish it's most likely just gonna rip around the pool and your line will be vibrating. Headshake feels alot different compared to a fish hooked in the arse Break off your fish that are snagged, far better chance they will survive and whoever thought that you need stronger line for bigger fish was clearly an idiot...anything over 8lb in most lake ontario rivers is complete overkill and un-neccessary, just because the fish weighs 20 lbs doesnt mean you need 20 lb line Nate
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