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Float Buddha

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Minnow (2/10)



  1. I thought this was a pretty interesting article in regards to conservation efforts. http://phys.org/news/2016-04-evil-farmed-fish-hard.html
  2. Back when I was a kid I used to do a lot of flyfishing for rock bass and smallies. Once after losing my last fly to a snag I tore off a small piece of plastic bag and stuck it on the hook. It actually worked better than the flies.
  3. Smallmouth carp - The size and speed of the common carp with the acrobatic qualities of the smallmouth bass.
  4. That's a real shame. I spent a lot of happy hours there as a kid.
  5. Congrats on the PB!
  6. Those are some great pics, love the underwater carp ones!
  7. Here are some floats I've made. The first two are asian style floats, I've been having a blast using them on carp this year. The next three are some simple balsa wagglers. The last two are traditional goose quills. I like to use them for perch and other pannies..
  8. Maybe this guy? http://www.youtube.c...feature=related
  9. Don't worry about any special bait, corn or white bread rolled into balls will work fine, be sure to thow a couple of handfulls of corn into your fishing area to start and more after each fish. One thing to remember is to put the corn on the hook in such a way as you block the gap and the point of the hook as little as possible. Good luck!
  10. Good luck! I can't sleep the night before any fishing trip, I don't think my system could handle competative fishing.
  11. Nice pics, I wish I had such a scenic spot to carp fish.
  12. Hi Shawn, I live in Kingston, I've never fished the Hamilton area. I have a pin but usually fish still-water floats with spinning gear or standard Euro if it's too windy which it often is here.. FB
  13. Great vid, looks like it was fun even with the dry nets.
  14. Nice, I've only ever caught one redhorse before.
  15. Congrats, that's an amazing fish.
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