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Posts posted by Christopheraaron

  1. Got my first couple whitefish the other day as well as some giant (4lb range) cisco, now have to cook em up. :)


    The the whitefish I wanted to to broil them, usually I just use lemon, parsley, salt, and pepper but kind of wanted to try something new, suggestions?


    For the herring I wanted to try smoking them (on the BBQ) I've never smoked anything on a BBQ so if anyone has any tips (and recipes :) ) for that as well it would be greatly appreciated.




  2. And just to clear things up (to make sure we are being politically correct here) any atheist is a hypocrite, I used to go by this title but it isn't quite right. Since we can't prove a negative we can't logically say there is no god, therefor agnostic is truly a more fitting title. Of course an agnostic is generally assumed to be someone who is "still deciding" about their beliefs, that's why I am a teapot agnostic. I accept that there is a chance that there is a god I also accept that the chance of them existing is comparable to that of a teapot orbiting Mars.


    Doesn't really contribute to this argument but just thought I'd throw it out there :)

  3. But in French .

    My wife and daughter were at No Frills on Saturday ... a local priest leaned toward my daughter ( 11 ) and asked " what do you think of the beautiful day that god has given us today ? "

    My daughter looked at him , rolled her eyes and spun her index finger by her temple and said " who do you think you are ? " " let me correct you " " it's Mother Nature , Science ! " and walked away ... she has her own thoughts , free will and an open mind :)

    And I love her :)


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