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Posts posted by Christopheraaron

  1. Glad to see you are able " Dan lol.






    BFW you are a genius I will pass this on to the computer section to keep it alive.


    Thank you for the answer.






    no problem here,but at work,I cannot quote,not that it matters there.LOL

    All good here with safari (as always :D )

  2. Just went into a Toys'r'Us for the first time.

    What a darn souless dump. Even Jack wanted to leave after 5 minutes. What ever happened to toys being fun and capable of switching on the wonderous thing that is a child's imagination!? Even the lego is prescriptive, all ready made kits of crap from TV. The whole place is a segregated, blue and pink, Disney sponsored, gender stereotype reenforcement, devoid of anything remotely fun. RANT OVER.


  3. Your 'idea' of solid ice and mine are very different Chris. Same with EVERYONE reading online.

    I got a damp sock and shoe on Sunday right at shore on a lake that was "reported" to have 4" of ice. I hadn't even put my gear on yet to go fishing as I wanted to check the area 1st (no point in me over heating and my spot to test was safe). So right at shore I put a foot on the ice and I broke through. Due to the 1/2" or less of snow on it I couldn't tell from the dock I was on how thick it was. So I put a foot on it while holding on to things around me to not fall in. Yup, weak ice where someone posted the lake was safe. I knew in my mind the ice was thin as I could see warning signs telling me so but I still tested that one spot. This was an area posted as 'OK ice' online. I went another 15 min away on the same lake to find 6" to 4" from shore to 50' away from shore. Spud bar, floater suit and boots on then.

    Never take what is posted online as "word". If you really want to go ice fishing then you need to gear up and do the drive and testing all on your own. Unless (and this is rare) a knowledgeable friend lives close to your intended fishing location and has tested it in the last 12/24 hours and tells you 1st hand what they found. Me, I like being told what they may have found but I still want to know 1st hand because it's me in danger out there 100% of the time.

    Didn't say I KNEW the ice was safe, just thought I'd post what I heard. I haven't been out there and obviously anyone fishing there should test and tread carefully.


    I wish more people would eat bass, They are almost as tasty as pickerel, and easier to come by! I keep a limit of bass a couple times a year for dinner fish. Keeps the pressure off the pickerel!

    x2, IMO they are better than walleye, but not perch.

  5. This is probably a really stupid question but I was wondering if anyone knows what kind of power those small kids ATVs have? Would it be enough to tow a small ice fishing sled? Would be kind of cool to use one out on simcoe to get further out than you can by walking.

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