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Posts posted by Christopheraaron

  1. I just heard an interesting take on this, and it wouldn't surprise me one bit. The theory is they wanted out of the A&E contract. Now, just supposing this is true, one would have to say the country pumpkins outsmarted the network execs. There seems to be a growing backlash against him being suspended or fired or whatever has transpired. They may just have trapped A&E. If that was the plan I may just become a fan afterall.

    Pretty smart move in that case, and it wouldn't surprise me in the least.


    Most younger people will never be able to retire. I belong to 3 different fishing clubs, chair on 2. The big question is why is our membership dropping so fast. I look around the meeting and see nothing but old gray hair.

    Very few younger kids getting involved, why?


    That's an easy answer, you aren't advertising it to kids. I belong to a few clubs as well but only one of them has another youth member. Do you think these clubs ever had kids involved? Probably not, I can tell you there are lots of kids out there who love to fish but a club isn't always the most inviting setting for them (I just so happen to like sitting around the conservation meetings, I'm weird :P).

  3. Brian, what colours would you like?



    I'm afraid I'm not going to catchup to my slacking ways but here are a few more.


    Ice flies, made for gills and perch but this winter I may try them on a windlass tip up with a couple split shot for whities. $3.50




    Viva, a small stillwater streamer for browns or bows. $2.50




    Hopper fly, for aggressive river trout in late summer. $2.50




    Rabbit leech, a great steelhead pattern for deep water. $3




    A mouse topwater, extremely buoyant with great movement. $5



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