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About carp-starter

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  1. I am sorry. I did not know how to create a reply. c-s
  2. Hi spincast, The people to contact are the ones at The Classic Fly Rod Forum. The category to use is Appraisals & Identification of Bamboo Fly Rods. The address is - http://classicflyrodforum.com/forum/viewforum.php?f=69&start=20 Include the photos that you have. Without the photos they cannot help you much. Include the length of each piece. Shorter fly rods will sell for more than longer ones. Include any writings that you can find even if it is only 2 characters. Check also the cap at the bottom of your main piece. Include some or all of what you wrote in your OFC post. These guys are smart. Include anything else that you may think of. Good luck in getting the info about your rod and good luck in perhaps fly fishing. carp-starter I tried sending you a PM but was not able to.
  3. Check the web site (I found it in 2009) below for: “Albert McReynolds - His Story Setting the record straight” After reading his story, I do not know why anyone would want reveal that he caught a record fish. I think that the previous record holder also had problems. It is not worth it. But then I do not keep fish. I do the C & R bit. It would be a shame to have to kill a record fish for some glory and many negatives. http://stripers247.com/Almcreynoldsrecordstriper.php carp-starter – some want to become famous, eh?
  4. 1967 was a good year.............
  5. Rustic-Fisher PM forwarded. Thank you – carp-starter
  6. Before I bought my home PC in 2002, My Bell home phone number was unlisted and unpublished (yes there is a difference between the 2). No one could get my phone number from Bell – which was good. Needless to say, I saw no reason of paying for a service when the public was able to get my name and/or my phone number and/or my home address on the Net. I cancelled the Bell service. You can get the info via such sites as canada411.ca, 411.ca or whitepages.ca. I know people whose info is not available on the Net. From what I can see, they have a bell home phone number, they own a house, they have a mortgage, they pay property taxes and they do other things that I do. But my info is on the Net and their info is not. There must be a difference between me and them. What is that something “something” that will place your info on the Net and available for the public to get. Or, why is these people’s info not available on the Net. It would be nice to get my info off the Net. Thank you in advance. carp-starter
  7. Thank you Rob C for your post. And I thank Rob C and everyone else because it was your positive words about the 60CSx that made me not hesitate to order one from CostCo. carp-starter
  8. People who cheat or lie will sooner or later get caught. Tiger Woods knows about this. I cannot see why Mike Hart would cheat for a top prize of only $40,000.00, I do not know. Forty thousand dollars would not change my life. Perhaps the reason is greed. Such people do not deserve a 2nd chance as shown by the Bass organization. This is the kind of stuff that gives fishers like us a bad name. Any opinions from you guys? carp-starter http://www.grindtv.com/outdoor/blog/19468/cheating+scandal+at+us+open+rocks+bass-fishing+community/ http://sports.espn.go.com/outdoors/fishing/news/story?id=2870012 http://www.signonsandiego.com/news/2010/aug/23/cheating-mike-hart-acted-alone-rigging-bass-tourna/
  9. Worms are sold at gas stations in "drop your money into the worm box slot"..... Every corner store should have worms in their fridge. Check Fish-hawk web site forums who are located in Ottawa. http://www.fish-hawk.net/hawktalk/ Go down to - Fish-Hawk Marketplace Most sponsors should sell what you are looking for. carp-starter - good luck
  10. has not set their status

  11. I have no complaints about Grand River Troutfitters except for the distance of 50 miles. I am into fly fishing and fly tying. There are 2 things that I want from a store……… “Good service to me means – does the store sell what I want to buy? If they sell it, is it in stock?” I want to hear 2 yeses. If I hear a “NO” at any point, I am out of the shop. If I hear an unhappy groan between the first YES” and the second YES, I am out of the shop because I do not want to hear a sad story. I wrote something as a post in a thread at the start of the year – “Tying: where to buy supplies?” It is located on page 2 at the OOD site. http://forums.oodmag.com/showthread.php?t=12758 You will have to login or register first. Should you wish to read my post but do not wish to register, send me a PM and I will send you a copy of my post. carp-starter
  12. The best team won and now the Habs will pound the crap out of everyone else. Two more rounds to go. Go Habs Go..................... carp-starter PS: I hope the Leafs are watching.
  13. If you will fish mostly for bass and pike, I would suggest that a fly rod for a fly line weight 8 would just about perfect. carp-starter
  14. The Fuji XP10 sounds like a good camera but it has big problems. Here is a review - http://www.digitalcamera-hq.com/products/fuji-finepix-xp10 carp-starter
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