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  1. I had a powerdrive and went through 3 foot pedals. It's a common problem. I agree go to Rocky's and he'll fix ya up.
  2. They are still open but are located at the original H&H Battery store not at the paintball store. I was in there last week.
  3. Me and 3 of my buddies are going to the games on Boxing Day.. Should be a great time. Hockey,Beer and Buffalo chicken wings make for an awesome day. GO CANADA GO!!!!!
  4. Just wanted to know if anyone has info on launches on the north shore that are still good in October. I tried to launch at Carthew Bay last October and the docks were taken out leaving it a tough launch. Any info would be greatly appreciated. Thanks
  5. I'm on my 3rd pedal . These pedals don't stand up to the wear and tear. My next trolling motor will be a cable foot pedal instead of the PD. Sounds like you have the same problem i had. I believe it's just under $100 to buy a new pedal. I got my new pedal from Rocky's in Orillia. Very good and quick service.
  6. Good to hear JP and Greg weren't injured. Must of been a scary moment when it happened. It can happen to anyone so safe boating everyone...
  7. John there isn't any storage or space reduction in my 1750 Fishhawk. It has the same storage and usage as before the kit was added. Just knowing it meets all marine standards is peace of mind for me.
  8. I just got my Crestliner 1750 Fishhawk back with the new floatation kit added. Better be safe than sorry. Life's too short.
  9. My wife Carrie got accepted last week too.
  10. Lindsay Smith(Linz) was last spoken to on October 26. He was on this site on October 28th at 10pm. No one has heard from him since. This is very unlike Lindsay to not contact anyone for this length of time including his Mother or Sister. The police have been notified and a missing Persons report filed. We are currently continuing to search for his vehicle. It is very unlikely that he has gone very far as he did not have the funds or gas to go much farther than the niagara region. His boat is still at the storage facility so we know he was not on the water. However thursday the 29th was a warm day and concerns are that he might of went fishing somewhere remote and might have fallen ill or have gotten hurt. There is currently a facebook page set up with as many details that are available and updated hourly. If you wish to view this it can be done by searching "Where is Lindsay Smith" His vehicle is a 1994 Green Jeep Cherokee Sport, license plate AYDW 126, there is a BASS sticker on the rear window. If anyone has any information at all, please contact the Niagara Regional Police. From Carrie Cartwright
  11. Thanks Brian and Johnnyb for the congrats!! It was finally nice to figure those smallies out for once. It's frustrating having zeroed in the two prior Opens. All the zeroes this year wasn't from lack of effort by all the other competitors. Like JP mentioned on Simcoe you can either catch 25lbs or zero on any given day. Our day started out great with the wife catching two within the first half hour.We had our limit by 10:15 and felt good about how our day was turning out. At 10:30 we knew we had to make a move to upgrade our weight if we wanted to have any chance at winning so we moved to our second spot. On our first drift the wife hooked into a 6lber. Second drift I hooked a 5 and things were looking good. AWESOME! then everything shut down for the next couple hours. Time was running out so we moved back to our first spot and with 15 minutes left I hooked another quality fish to cull out a smaller fish. We managed 8 bites and landed all and even a 7lb pike too. Kudos to all the sponsors of this event and volunteers. Without their help this event wouldn't be as successful. Thanks to everyone involved.. Marcel and Carrie Cartwright
  12. The bassmania 100's are the perfect level to start out at. They are on smaller lakes and there are alot of teams with boats the size of yours. You won't feel out of place there. Good Luck!!
  13. Steve, Hope your bro kicks some butt!!!. Best of luck to him and let us all know how he makes out....
  14. The look on those boxers are priceless!! They don't look guilty to me.... I guess GULP can catch almost anything. Good story and pics!!!
  15. The first video reminded me of a "Greased Pig Catching Contest"!!! LOL Good job Steve on such light line..
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