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Everything posted by ryanheritage

  1. canned heat, CCR, tesla, oh and you can't forget to have the band!! cripple creek!!!! ..... I know I know now you guys know that I am a bit of a hippie now..... PEACE LOVE RESPECT... lol
  2. NIce pics and great job.....( another guy catching fish but me ...boo hoo....lol ) If yer at the same spot tomorrow ( i think I know it) bring a apple for that there rodent.... he might not take from your hands but Im sure he would appreciate it!! Good job on the steelie
  3. lol sorry just was curious to what those pics were all 'bout?!?
  4. Clampet?!?! whats all that about???? you breaking the law?? Did tarpus maximus get you a ticket maximus?
  5. I was hoping that everyone would post a pic that they have doing something!!! C'mon people share a moment!!! lol Me in the mountains!!! this is a pic from when I was living in Calgary and went out to B.C. to the mountains to hit the slopes
  6. which one did you get? I just recently got an etrex legend and yes the software for it is pricey but its software and if you know anyone good with computers ( downloading guys) you can get the info .. all of it for under 10.00 bucks...I love somoe bootleggers! It gona take a bit to gete used to but when you do get the hang of it you will find that it is a great tool for fishing, marking great spots on open water for ice fishing, getting back to "spot" or even just having a map at your fingertips. It is a learining process, but I think it will really help me out cause of how many different places I fish and how lost I get on the ice and open water. Now I need to get a decent fishfinder,, I know I could have got a all in one unit but having to seprate units dedicated to their own technology was a better idea for me and Iam not always fishing in my boat... Anyone know of a phenomanal fish finder for cheap???????????? like the 200.00 dollar range up or down but perferably down..lol
  7. I think maybe you should keep us OFC'ers off your boat!!!!! with all the stuff they would bring yer boat might sink!!!!! lol...... The poor guys first boat and he already thinking he should spent less to afford all the stuff to go on it!!! lol Jackets, survival kit, a boaters kit( you pick up anywhere), and you should be good to go for an outing... Of course there is OH so much you COULD bring but each trip is different... Only bring what you need for each trip. But do have some spare parts in case. ie prop, fuses, gas, plugs (spark and hull), and oil . and a tool kit. learn your sonar inside and out and you will be good to go.
  8. So I made it out today for the first time this year on my local trib for a couple of hours... Had one on but I became overly excited and off went my first steelie of the year. I should have prob put some new line on and a lead instead of 6lb all the way.... Conditions were real nice when I got there but then the water got a bit murky when things warmed up... It was great to get out though... I think I have found the solution to the waiting game for may first and open water!!! BTW I ran into a guy from FF.net that brought up Canadain Copper when I spoke about OFC.. Had nothing but good things to say about CC and that he was a bit disapointed that someone would try and knoock him I said it was some 17 teen yr old kid and the guy laughed and said who was it ME.inc? I said yes and the guy just called him a loser then hooked up a nice little steelie..needless to say at that point I was on the move to my next spot!!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks fer the photo help CC
  9. LOL i was reading the posts and everything but Life jackets were mentioned.lol I am sure you will have one for each passenger?!?! But I have to admit I think one of the biggest things I always want but never have is towels... It sounds stupid but keep a couple on board a good one and a nasty one. And keep a a small gas can too. and a small cheapo tool kit you know one of those job mate ones from Canadina tire so you can do on the spot repairs... duct tape, knife and gear clamps.
  10. The real unfortunate thing about someone saying negative comments about "locals" is the fact that without the "tourists" places like the ganny and port hope would have NOTHING. I know I used to live there. But what the "locals" are forgetting also is that they purely have the upper hand cause they know how to fish the tribs they call home. Someone like myself who has only caught one fish outa a river is not going to make a difference to the "locals". I just don't understand the negativity behind someone with a comment like that eastern steelheaders made. Well hopefully we have heard the last negative comment from anyone on this board. To everyone ............ Tight lines and great fishing!!! Enjoy....... but remember let it go to grow!!!!
  11. A windtunnel "O" fun?!?!?!?!? I gotta try it out!!!!!!!!!! Its one of those things where tons of mental ideas comes into my head. I could find out if my fiance's chiaua can fly!! But seriously when no one's watching .... what do you do with a windtunnel "O" fun?
  12. D'OH!!!!!!!
  13. yeah but you should see how shiney my car is now!! i even soaped up the apolstry with some tide first too.... woohoo now all I gota do is wait till spring and my car will be ready for sale!... why would someone risk their life like that? I hope they watched the episode of mythbusters on how to get out of a car that goes under water.....
  14. I think that deer whisltes are stupid. Most animals are curious.......... "Hey Buck! you hear that whislting?" Yeah Doe I do!!" Well buck lets go check it out!" " but it might be a car!" " Doe..... Cars don't whistle...C'mon lets check it out>>>> I know thats not what happends but I mean really... a whistle from the wind? that means when the winds a whistleing the deer are freaking out!! lol Sorry for the stupidness BUT IT FRIDAY!!!!!!!!
  15. wow!!!! I just saw the posts by the eastern turdburglers...lol.... I can't believe someone or PLURAL people lol would have an issue with someone who is on here keeping everyones thirst for fishing quenched. I love seeing his posts and I enjoy seeing fish being caught and posted for CC's friends to see. Its unfortunate that them there eastern turdburglars can't give respect when its due. CC keep on posting pics and reports I look forward to them all the time. As fer the eastern turdburglars............ BE GONE!!! and may you catch nothing but beaver fever and bottom. Got you eastern turd burglars a coffee!! no hard feelings
  16. Hey CC! I am going to Duffins crk in ajax on sat ....would you mind sharing any tips with me? I have only ever once caught a steelie after many many many times of trying and I would love to get another. any tips at all for me? I have my 10.5 rod with 6lb mono and a 1000 series reel. I have alot of gear but no clue on how to actually catch a nice bow. Im a river fishing poser.lol
  17. YOUR A STEELIE CATCHINIG GURU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! wow!
  18. Just a quick note. No its not just human activity that is causeing the high increase in CO2 but what I am saying is that we are eliminating the forest that filter this C02. So even though we are not the major contributors to the C02 we ARE the major contributors to the loss of the filters that normally clean the environment of the C02. I know that C02 somes from sooo many sorces besides us but how for the last umpteen years has it been processed in our environment? by all the trees that we are burning(more C02) for cattle, farming, or just plan old paper and development. What I think is that we are not creating the C02 but what we are eliminating is a way to clean the environment. that's why we are seeing a significant rise in C02 gasses. I mean with or without movies or scientists we all know that if we elimate the preadator (trees) we will get alot more prey (co2 gas). That is what I got from the Al Gore movie. That we are taking away the earths ability to process the excess amounts of C02 that is happening. Its the same as changing the furnace filter in your house if you don't higher allergies and all that stuff.
  19. Crappieperch..............YOUR 110% right even if they are wrong about global warming happening people still have to be more environmentally aware. And Chriss no matter how someone gets funding for the earth its a great investment. But if you think this problem is "invented" drive into toronto at 7ish in the morning on a summer day and look at the "invented" brown smog above the city. I lived in calgary for a year or two, about 3yrs ago...lol.... and the one thing i remember so vividly was the sky was blue without that brownish "tint" I mean it was really really different. I would walk to the bow river right in the middle of the city and catch my dinner, do you think I could do that with the don river or the humber? I am not trying to change anyone opinion here I just think that we as a society should really take a serious look for ourselfs at what we have noticed in the last ten+ years. The fact that we even started this debate is enough for me to try and do more for out environment.
  20. I just don't think we want to accept what is going due to economic result
  21. I am totally open to knowing as much as I can about this but I look at it in a very simple way ....................................................... regardless of my science background or education I put it in this analogy... If the world was like a brita water filter, how long before that filter doesn't work anymore if it doesn't get changed? Even think of a fish tank no matter what you have to change the filter. I don't think we as humans are 100% responsible I do believe it is a cycle system but what I think is we have forced the cycle to happen out of sync from its natural course. And it's not that we are 100% responsible BUT we do have the ability and intelligence to help fix it. I am not a know everything guy and I pray to everything holy I am wrong but if I am not we need help. There is another movie not about global warming just about what we are taught to believe and since we trained to think that way thats all we see. Remember is school talking about Chris Columbus? It was common knowledge that the world was flat anyone who thought the world was round was C-R-A-Z-Y but what do we know now?! All I am saying is that it is a very possible problem. Oh yeah the movie I am talking about like that is called "what the bleep do we know" Econic growth will be the major deciding factor in who is right and wrong with this topic.
  22. OK... Well normally I stay away from this type of conversation BUT this global warming thing is something I have been following for a little while.... Ok first I do 110% believe in global warming. The reason I say this is simply because of t e realization that the ice caps are melting, more drought in weird places ( california right now) and really really weird weather. I recently just watched the Al Gore movie "an inconvient truth" and it really opened my eyes to what I was already noticing warmer weather, less winter, and a serious humidex. I watched the movie and realized that this guy has a point. Yes the're were warm stages in the medievil era but not as warm as now, and for the last 600 million years there has been ups and down in climate but not as severe as what we are seeing now. Also the "warm" periods are paralel with the rise and fall of CO2 levels in the atmosphere which now are i think it was three times as high as they have ever been in 600 million years. Due to the massive rise in CO2 it is trapping the energy from the sun in our atmospere causing global warming. We are doing a multitude of things as a species that is effecting the environment the industrial revolution is just one thing contributing to this CO2 rise. The amount of forest (rain) we destroy every day these rain forests and other forests are the filter for the earth's air and since the filter is getting ALOT smaller the air is not being filtered as well as it was way back in the medevil era. I watched that movie made in 2005 and it said that we were endanger of an ice shelf breaking off in greenland that could possibly raise the earths water level and low and behold what happens? and ice shelf breaks off!!!! the peice that broke is still melting into the oceans and that piece is only a small portion of what they are afraid of actually coming off. And that piece that did break off wil eventually lead to the rest of the ice shelf breaking too. Then wwe have the fact that since this cold water is falling rapidly in the ocean (cold water is heavier than warm water) it will mess with the currents thus causing freakinsh weather. Droughts in places known for rain, rain in places normally without, Please for the sake of our children and our childrens children don't brush this off. Even if they are wrong about global warming are you willing to risk it? No matter what we would be helping the world if we followed the steps required to slow and stop the pollution mankind is creating. If anyone in the durham area wants to borrow the movie I am happy to lend its a eye opener.
  23. Yeah I love bullhead in the spring but not so much in late summer or fall meat gets really mushy. My fav way of cat fish is..... make sure fillet is well patted dry to start this egg wash the fillet (or milk) egg is better mix these dry ingriedients flour, cornmeal or itailan bread crumbs , Tony's Chachere's spice N' herb seasoning, and a little bit of cayenne pepper, once I get the oil to about 195-200 degrees i throw in a couple pieces of smashed garlic for a few seconds then take it out. then coat fish and giver a hot oil bath mmmmmm i then make my own tartar sauce mayo, relish, fresh dill, ------- or mayo, relish and "green seasoning" < you can get it at a good grocery store in the imported food section it kinda looks like relish. That way to me is hands down the best fish fry for cats and pickerel. mmmmmmm When I used to go camping that was my fish of choice to eat cause I can clean them without a knife or a table. I can't wait for the open water
  24. is that fish already cleaned gutted? from the grocery store? lol jk good job! nice fish.... (jealous)
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