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Everything posted by ryanheritage

  1. LOL no no not the stripey hole. lol. I try stay away from the computer while there are other things to do. But Ice is going to be out there and I am gearing up...... I hope everyone is well, I hope there is no more debates on global warming... HAHAHA.... Is that a dead issue yet?.... So how was everyone's year? any records?
  2. everything but being near a computer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lol
  3. Just came back after a long hiatis.......just popping in to say hi and to wish everyone well!!!!!!
  4. Hey everyone, Have been crazy busy lately so haven't been on much, and thought I would just stop and say hi to everyone and see how everyone was.... Hope things are good and fishing has been better! I haven't even had a chance to get out much due to too much work!!!!!!! GAWD SHOOT ME!!! any how hope all is well.... I will be posting the sunday to catch up and show my entries for team 10..... Have fun..... Bookooo
  5. WELCOME TO THE SITE!! It is a great one just don't ask for any spots!!! LOL Naw everyone here is good people
  6. Lets just get back to what this board is supposed to be about.... Friends and fishing.... Welcome baitbutcher... I hope to see your posts and your pics... Simcoe has no hot spots just gotta gete lucky. lol Sorry ya had to come in at a time were spots have been pirated by some bad people.... Just a wrong place wrong time kinda thing. Don't take it personal that's one of the good things about the net, no one knows who you are so people tend to be abit more abrasive without realizing. Good fishing and tight lines...
  7. WOW!! Whats going on here? Are you guys serious? I am glad you guys didn't do that to me... Hey Bait Butcher!! Give a hello, info, and maybe a few good posts and convo's and then Im sure that everyone here would be happy to share some tips. You won't get anyone's spots nor should you... I wouldn't expect you to tell me were your safe is... Fish are a valuble commodity to myself and everyone else thats as passionate as the people on this board.. So there fish are locked up in their spots.(safes).... But c'mon guys we are not an elite group that we should be cold shouldering someone. ... Im seriously shocked... I know that we have had some serious threads about giving up spots and stuff and I am I totally agree, but give the newbie a little slack let him run a bit before your set the hook... Baitbutcher may not be 100% on the things going on here. Baitbutcher, My spots are simple, find em by trolling and drifting no spot is in anyway magical fish move around so should you.. OFNer's c'mon be nice about it I am sure noone intended to offened or upset anyone.
  8. Hey why don't you just invite them for a fish... but be the clumsyiest rod stepping on, bait dropping picture of OOS fish taking type of guy. It would sure teach em a loesson if you snapped a few photo's of them keeping an out of season fish, and cleaning it I think the MNR would be more then happy to "help" them outta of their money. People like that deserve nothing more then to be made an example of. And you should be smacking your Brother in law around for not stepping up to the plate and dealing with his "buddies"
  9. Hey before you go in guns blazing..... Find out what they are going to do for you first. Do not let it go past 30 days from purchase date though. If you paid cash you gona be at the mercy of the dealer. If you paid credit you will have alot more alternate routes. I would first find out what the dealer will do, you should be getting a brandnew boat if not an upgraded package for your troubles. Try and be nice about it though cause no one is perfect. You can also if the dealer is being a (%##@) just put a nice lock on the tongue and park your sieve in front of the entrance of the dealer.
  10. GREAT JOB!!good fish!!! Mmmmm catfish.... now that you like em you gona try noodling for them? lol
  11. Camera mount on a kayak? huh? I gotta see a pic.... Nice fish!!!
  12. We should put some fake cameras up and little signs that say were watching for poachers... We might not get you today but tomorrow we will.... that will scare em'
  13. I have a great guy for canoes he is in tweed and he charges about 450 a canoe nice ones to he is the manfaucturer. if intrested I had a picture in a previous post. lemmeknow I will hook you with his number
  14. Its a fuji finepix s6000. My first real camera. Sofar its great!! Im real happy, and Irish .... The feline would rip your eyes out lol she ain't a pretty sleeper....
  15. Oh no CC your line was infested by a smallie now you won't be able to keep em off yer hook.... lol Good job On The big lake O. I started my boat project with a ton of fire but now its half done sitting in the garage.... I need to get it done So I can enjoy Lake O fishing ...
  16. some one posts something about global warming and I see it..... ..........Your blind date Michelle, stands up to pee.
  17. Well I got a new camera today and I took a total of 167 pictures already LOL here are a couple I thought were pretty nice.. I can't wait to take more!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  18. Hey everyone, yeah yeah I have been taking a break but I am back lol...... I actually just got a new pair of polarized from quicksilver... I got em from a ebay dealer and I love em... I paid 80 for them and they are great for on and off water. I figured if I am going to spend the money on a pair I want a good dual purpose pair. I can't believe how good they are for the price. So just check into all retailers before you spend 150 plus.. (maui jims)
  19. CC is like the bionic fisherman.... He is way above anyone I have seen with his river fishing...GREAT JOB CC
  21. I don't know if anyone remembers the mechano sets? but thats pretty much what I sell for a living but on a much larger scale.... It's funny cause when I tell my customers thats what its like to put up one of my buildings I hear all about the things you guys keep talking about. I also always hear about the days when you could go for a burger and it was served to your car window by some little hottie on roller skates.. Does anyone have a picture of a mechano set? I don't even know what one looks like I just know its a lot of nuts and bolts. lol.
  22. LMBO!!!! I was wondering about the Black jack gum thing so I checked it out and I am wrong.... The black jack gum you guys are talking about and the stuff I thought it was are two different brands....So yeah my young years made my mouth write a check my butt couldn't cash...
  23. CC... Ok you gota take me out. lol.... Good job.. but seriously you gota take me out.
  24. Hey and welcome!!!
  25. BLACK BART !!!! BLACK BART GUM you old fogies!!!! lol too funny.
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