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Everything posted by wallacio

  1. Great pic Wes - love those char! Here's a sweetie from Algonquin - taken on a fly.
  2. No worries...I'll post it up on all teaser posts such as this!!!
  3. C'mon - let see them
  4. It's still a bit early to be really productive in close but you might get a few if you get out right at first light or even after dark with glowing spoons. Another option for flatlining is out deep in the "blue zone" if you're willing to run out that far (would be a long ride in if you get "the call" from your wife!). Bows, Cohos and immature Chinooks can be found out there in the top part of the water column so you'd be able to get them with your stuff that will run 20-30' down.
  5. For sure, no argument there but in the age of internet reports etc, way too many people are looking to be spoon fed. Where's the sense of adventure?
  6. Gee Mike, I didn't realize that we visited the ONLY lake in Northern Ontario that holds Walleye and Pike!
  7. Yeah, she might be a bit muddy right now! According to the NOAA site, (at the Gowanda gauge) the river peaked at 13.47' which is the 4th highest peak since records were kept. I barely recognized the lower river this spring after the series of blow-outs from big shots of meltwater...I'm sure that it will look competely different again.
  8. She peaked at over 32,000 cfs - now that is flying!!!
  9. The bugs weren't too bad on the portage - though the mosquitoes back at camp at dusk were brutal. BBQ'ing or cleaning fish at that time of day was not fun. The worst thing about the portage was the treacherous footing in the creek while pulling the boat and lugging gear - it's a wonder that none of us rolled an ankle. Mike and I commented that it would have been nice to have our wading boots along for better traction.
  10. A great account of our trip bud (as usual)! That trip will be tough to top...until the next one! This week back at work has been a tough one - my head is still somewhere up there amoung the lakes and forest.
  11. Here's just a little tease. How's that report coming Mike???
  12. They sure did work the other day huh bud?
  13. Point Clark definitely does not get a Salmon/Steelhead run (as mentioned, the creek there is too small to support Salmonid reproduction). That said, the Lake Huron Fishing Club releases Browns from their Kincardine hatchery there and it is possible to catch them off of the rocks at the marina. Besides Browns, you can catch a real mixed bag of fish species there.
  14. When winds are from the west on Huron, it allows waves to build across the entire lake. 20km/h winds aren't gale force but it'll be a lumpy ride and if you are a new boater, you might want to consider a trip on the big lake for a calmer day.,
  15. Unfortunately, reports are that he took his own life. Definitely a great loss.
  16. Thanks for the kind replies all. All taken on nymphs (mostly Pheasant Tail variants, Copper Johns etc - anything that approximates Mayfly nymphs). There weren't any hatches to speak of so the fish weren't looking up.
  17. Naw, they are back in their lairs...safe and sound.
  18. After fishing the major hatches intensively in May and early to mid June, I usually hang up the 4wt by this time of year as the water is normally too skinny and warm. This year has been a pleasant exception with cool temperatures and ample precipitation (including a recent good soaking) so I decided to head out one last time before this heat wave shuts things down for July and most of August. With the water being a bit high and slightly stained and still just on the cool side of 70F, the fish were very happy tonight including a few bigger ones that wanted to play!
  19. A great trip (and report). Can't wait for the end of July guys...hopefully by the end of that trip we'll be sick of Walleye!!!
  20. Bill is referring to water temperatures - as a general rule of thumb, it's best to stop fishing for stream/river Trout once the water temperature reaches 70F.
  21. Yeah, it's OK I suppose
  22. That's all I use Mike, on a single barbless of course!
  23. That was a great morning Bill - thanks for getting me out there. Hope your old man enjoys his Whitie dinner!
  24. Truer words have never been spoken. Being married with a 1 year old definitely makes it very tough to be a chromaholic!
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