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About TenInchJake

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  1. The change in RCMP interpretation on the over 10 round 10/22 mags is stupid. Changing it to a prohibited device because it can be used in an obscure pistol/rifle hybrid (10/22 Charger) when there have literally been thousands of the mags in Canada over the past 30 years with no criminal use is asinine. The recent Horsemen decision to prohibit the CZ 858 Spartan is also stupid. Same as the non-restricted CZ 858 but it has the words MOLON LABE, a spartan head and a maple leaf inscribed on it. For that reason it's prohibited. Or the RCMP calling the Mossberg Blaze 47 an AK47 variant and prohibiting it when it is a rimfire rifle the shares 0 common parts with an AK and is functionally identical to the non-restricted Mossberg Blaze. Just stupid.
  2. All the best Lew. I'll try to boat the occasional musky on one of your old lures. Don't think I could pull off the 'Lew Musky Smile' though.
  3. Directory of exhibitors is now online. http://kawarthasportsmenshow.com/exhibitor-directory/
  4. http://kawarthasportsmenshow.com/ Parking and admission are free, JP DeRose and Big Jim McLaughlin will be there. Why not go? Help them get this thing off the ground. They haven't posted an exhibitor list yet, but I know for sure Mike Parker will be there with his Handlebarz Musky Lures to take some money off my hands. I'll be there tying go getters with Tom on Saturday.
  5. Did your wife sign the form Rattletrap? That might indicate an acknowledgement on her part. I've had my spouse and my other references checked when getting my RPAL. I can't remember from when I just had a PAL. And you have a CPIC check done on you every single day when you have a firearms license. It's a continous eligiblity program.
  6. The mainstream media doesn't report much on stories that don't fit their narrative? I'm shocked. Defensive use may get local coverage, but it will almost never get national coverage. Google 'defensive gun use' and you'll see plenty of stories. There's 'lots of stories of accidental shootings'? People die all the time from all sorts of accidents. I'll bet none of them get reported anywhere near the rate that firearms accidents do. Wonder why?
  7. At least Cabelas has a Canadian website in $CDN with Canadian shipping. BPS has been here for what, a decade, and still hasn't gotten a Canadian website together. Screw 'em. And SAIL has the worst website ever, even worse than lebaron and that is saying something.
  8. There is a new place on Park St S near Braidwood. Never been in there, but I noticed it was there. It's not very big.
  9. Consult with your bank manager before taking up muskie fishing. Not familiar with either water body, but Lew's suggestion is good. Rocks and/or green weeds, adjacent to deeper water, preferably with current. Don't forget a proper net and release tools for safe handling.
  10. A Suick is indeed a jerkbait and not a glide bait. Hellhounds, Mantas, and Phantoms are glide baits. Glides tend to be neutrally buoyant and you work them side to side (walk the dog). A Suick or similar jerkbait tend to be more buoyant and you work them in a more chopping retrieve. They dive and then float up. I'll mostly be throwing inlines of various descriptions, and maybe some jerkbaits, glides, and even a topwater or two.
  11. I got 4 of 5 of mine in today. The 5th was backordered. I placed the order on May 18. They are pretty cool, although my 4 year old wasn't too sure about a couple of them. For those who didn't order but want some SA always has 80% off deals posted. They show up on the FB feed all the time.
  12. I'll just leave this here.....(I'm with the tiger guys)
  13. Between the increasing electricity rates, and more to follow once she sells 60% of Hydro, the new cap and trade scam, and now the pension plan that will cost employers an extra 2%, we shouldn't have to worry about much industry in this province. No one would want to keep their business here. But the latte sippers in Toronto will get their transit and other goodies.
  14. Beaulieu out for the rest of the series after the Karlson hit. Tough break, but at least Mtl has plenty of depth on D.
  15. Karlson hit was fine. Hamhuis on Bennett however....
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