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Everything posted by Spouph

  1. I am very sorry to hear for your loss, remeber the good time when when your sad It somtimes helps.
  2. Yes definately run two. Also I would strongly suggest installing a selector switch. I run my bateries in the both position, my kicker and main enging both are able to recharge as I run. The reason I do this is to keep the power clean, when you fire up the down riggers and have the radio's going and the fishfinders running. The extra amprage keeps the spikes and surges to a minimum. Those electronics are fragile and expensive. My suggestion to you is to buy two Identical deep cycle bateries I love the Nautalis and replace them every five years. When you wire them up I keep my bilge pump and trim seperate from the switch so that you can operate them with the selector switckh off. I turn the switch off at the end of each day. this will only drain one battery, if the bildge is running alot. You can always get the boat started because the other battery is charged. Then I label both batteries and alternate them each season. It works great I have never had any battery troubles. I drain and trickle charge my batteries twice in the off season. Don't use the switch while the boat is running my father fried the alternator on his boat doing just that. If you dry dock the boat all the time leave the bildge pump on the switch, if it tips or the float switch get's stuck the pump will burn itself out. I had to replace one for that reason, but I put in a new one with water sensing technoligy. I leave my cover open on the boat all season in the dock, my bildge has never drained my battery, but the longest I went without running the engines was two weeks. Hope this helped
  3. What does before this thread gets locked mean I am new to this
  4. Ya gypsy you were the one I was refering to...I was wondering when you were going to chime in..glad you did.
  5. Twocoda Flemming?
  6. if they can't get the fishing licences issued......that all we need aqnothe silly card just free for all em
  7. Well funny story , I worked with the Kyuquot native tribe and Interfor logging as a hatchery, co-ordinator for a couple of years with a very simular conclusion. Not enouph money for the effort and to many political boundries to devide. The project was to restock the kyuquot river, for the native band paid for by the logging co to ensure the money was put to it's intended us third party was involved ie me, and no government involvement. One day I was working in the river pulling nets gathering coho to get eggs, and a C.O officer jumps in the back of the truck making us get out of the truck he rumaged through all our gear,I was in fact fishing for Coho Salmon when there was a Ban on fishing for Coho, for all the pacific coast of B.C. No permit were ever taken out. I was quite sure that I was going to prison for the night, I had a 30 foot tangle net, in my truck which is what I used and had a holding pen with 16 ripe female coho in it. I just mentioned the Cheifs name snd that was it , he took my information and I never heard from him again, he just said have a nice day. A few years later and several provinces away I recieved a phone call from the Cheif at the time to thank me for the efforts and that all my little babeis were back but grown up the stock numbers were good (realistically I know I may of had little to some impact), but we had to go against gov regulations to make an impact. This is the reason I started this topic, the option of a cull is a little red neck I agree, but it is along the same lines of stocking in a penny saved is a penny earned kind of logic. There are a couple thing I learned out west. One if you want somthing done where red tape is involved, the goverment does not interfere with the native bands, and If you see a decline or incline in stocks, somtimes you just have to do somthing. I don't know the right answer as far as the cormerants are concerned and I do respect your opinion. I honestly dont think our little conversation on this forum will yeild any results. Just an interestin topic.
  8. My two cents on this is that goby's are invasive, and when they first appeared years sgo they were not reconised as a food fish for native species such as bass and walleye, subsequently, there population exploded. there was a huge panic. Since that has occoured the bass have reconised goby as a food source, and perch and other native species are on the rise. Goby plastic baits are now quite popular on lake erie. Saying that I have yet to see any benifit from the cormerants, years ago I could see golbies as a potitntial food sorce, but I don't see the birds benifit. I am educated with a scientific background, and practial feild experience in fisheries and wildlife... I ask the questions as a sort of research. saying that my opinion is simular to yours.
  9. I absolutly agree with you. There seems to be a few people suggesting let nature take it's course, but the subsequent concequence on us as fisherman is huge. Selfish as a fisherman, but I have valunteered my time to hatcheries, spent time restocking rivers in B.C with Coho when numbers are down, and given money to groups to help fisheries. I give more than I take....I do in fact take alot and enjoy the afterall I am a part of the food chain, but hopfully as a species, we arent so stupid as to eat all of our food, with no plans for the future get sick and die. The one thing that you said that may be overlooked is the transfer of disease, from one lake to another...VHS anyone, the sad truth is that that comment is probally void due to the fact that the fish population is so low, that the disease wont transfer through low density. Stupid birds, aswesome creatures actually.
  10. I was talking to a fellow the other day about the cormerants cleaning the perch out of his lake. It seem to me that 5 years ago I donated a little money to the federation of anglers and hunters on a phone call by them for eliminating nor reducing the cormerants. Subsequently I recieved a call for the next 3 years asking for the same thing. I did not give anymore and I think I asked them to stop calling. Now my question to you all is, has anything been done to cull cormerants. I have not heard or been paying attention, I understand that it takes a lot of money to lobby the goverment, I am just as much at fault I could of given more. But has anything been done by anyone. I was boating across lake Erie and there was a flock of cormorant that had to be in the thousands strong, when I went through the center of them, some were so full, they could not fly. From what sounds like the northern ont lake are getting hit hard as well. I have a thought, tell me if you think this is ignorant or not. But I think we should raise a ton of money and have the Native canadians, go on a free for all. They have no restrictions on what they hunt. It would eliminate all the red tape assioated with the cull, and the job would get done. Id rather give a million dollars to a native tribe, than to a politician, atleast something would get accomplished. let me know what you think.
  11. What bothers me more than any thing isn't soo much the system to get those bugs will get worked out. I am in construction, I have to carry on me around 10 card that enable me to work, now cards to fish it is just a cash grab. We already have a great card system goind our drivers licence with the magnetic strip. Why can;t we just combined our boating fishing driving health etc, one one simple card if service ontario does it all why do have to deal with a george castanza sized wallet. I'm just going to say it, this new system just plain sucks.
  12. Hey I'm in the same situation up in sudbury. Too bad we didn't live closer.......
  13. just one more cast

  14. Huron is probally like ontario deep water with big rollers, you can absolutly fish a 20 k wind you just run the trough, somtimes its hard getting into port but it is possible. My friends lund is just awesome for huron, he gets out as much as I do. Erie comes up quick and the waves are tighter together, it a chop and when your close to shore, that has the bathtup effect waves hit from every direction. Not to mention the current out in the center during certain times of the year, because it is soo shallow they current does wonky things to the waves as well. Borrow before you buy. good luck
  15. befour you buy I have a buddy selling his lund wich is an awesome dry boat 18 ft, he fishes erie out of erieo with me (ihave a trailer in rondeau bay) . He can't get out half the time I can, some times you have to run 8 to 15 km to get to where the fish are they move miles in a week, at least they did this season last not so much. Iam talking 15 k winds which are the best for eye's no lie 30(50 to 70 including bows and sheep head) plus days in 5 to 8 hours of fishing. His boat could not handle that. He ended up in my boat most of the season. He is buying a 24 ft searay. If you arnet equipprd to fish a 3 ft chop, you will be off the water most days by lunch, if you even get out at all. I know nothing of ontario.
  16. thanks all for the reply's guys I pm all of get back to me when ever's good
  17. hey funny story I worked a ct, still my favorite store saterday flyers a ritual, however, my best dat at work there was after I went out of my way to help a costumer, they called the manager and gave me praise. He in turn gave me 3 golf balls. its a crappy job with poor wages, this dude went above and beyond so call the store don't give to many details cause you might get him in trouble....but give him praise, cause he deserves it. ddo what you want but I'll remember those golfballs forever, I don't golf much.
  18. Hey just throwing it out there, need a new fishing partner or two, I am totally self sefecient have my own equipment will drive, looking for walleye and a laugh or two, don't worry happily married 2 kids Im 35. Just love to fish.. Just movede here from southern ontario left my friends behind to exploit sudbury area lakes... cant spell either. will fish for anything, enjoy whities. currently living in chemmy, and would not mind fishing gogama area, would love to find big number days. If your weirded out by this i understand but if you could give me info or advice on where to go that better Than nothing thanks for your help. Also looking to find a over thirty five hockey group shinny style to join let me know if your looking for players. weekends are best. Im not great just love to play and enjoy the exscersise. fun leage only for me. beer after kinda team. I am fishing this weekend don't know where yet, help!!!!!!!!!!!!! thanks
  19. I forgot to mention, if you are going after the great lakes, like Erie and Huron I have spent counless hours 30 to 40 plus days per summer for the last 7 years. 5 to 14 hour trips. If you are doing the big water. Look at fiberglass, with a kicker. Smoother ride, and the kicker to get you in if the big motor fails. It happens on all boats new and old. My first year in fuel was over 2500, with no kicker on account of the hevier boat, after the kicker you can cut the cost to around a 1000, over 4 years the motor pays for itself, not to mention the speed control a kicker gives you. And deep water trolling that can be the difference on a windy day trust me. I've seen buddies fish beside me with no kicker, same lures etc. they get skunked, me rarely. I've docked mine not towed around 1000 per season. Picked my boat up for 10 g put mabey 10 into it with kicker). It has been reliable. there are litterly thousand of good cheap used boats for sale. Erie is the scariest water I have ever been on, that includes the Pacific ocean(which i lived on for 2 years). Waves come from all directions and it comes up quick. Don't dick around with that lake.
  20. For what it is worth, I have to laugh at my self, I remember saying those exact same words, I previously owned, a 16 sylvan with a 40 four stroke all set up for fishing. I just loved that boat. However, I bought a older 21 ft sylvyn sport cruiser next for the family(sold the first boat). So I told myself....That boat was to big for doing the small lakes, so then bought a used tiller 25 hp with 16 foot aluminum no bells and whistles. Kept the 21 footer. So the problem lies now I have 2 boats for fishing with my family, and a family that doesn't like to fish as much as I do. I wish I had my first boat back. Advice, look at your family and your own needs, find out if is what they want, borrow a buddies boat and try it out before you buy it. I just bought a house an a lake. My next purchas is a pontoon boat. That is my suggestion to you. Under 30gs you can get a hell of a spacious\family\fishing boat, Out of a pontoon boat but you have to sacrifice some of the fishing. But what do I know I have been wrong before and will be wrong again. Good luck with your purchas. I have owened johnston, yahama, mercruser, merc, and Honda boat motors. Honda was by far the best in my opinion. The cost of fuel between the 40 and the 115 will be noticable.
  21. Wow, I don't know you at all. However, I read the first page Nov 2010, then the last.....jan 2012, I could not have been more happy to see Jen bowling. My wife has been diagnosed with chrones, 6 years ago ...aweful disease. Not at all am I trying to campare, saying that I remember the gloom assioated with just that disease alone... Took the wind out of my sails. The fact that your daughter and family fought not only that, but the cancer and all other stuff assioted with that. Hats off to you and yours. You can call it Karma or what you wan't I was told by a friend once smile at the world and the world will smile back at you!!!!!! I have never heard of any one smiling at the world with cancer....until today thanks Jen, I will share your story with my 8 year old daughter tonight. You and yours will be in our prayers aswell. keep up the positive attitude. I had a crappy day at work today......It doesnt matter. thanks
  22. I missed the news could you let me know if anything was aired......I am a betting man, my money is on no comment.
  23. one thing I have found is if your buying premium gas, go to a station that has a dedicated hose for premium. Alot of the time you don't buy enough premium fuel or fill your jerry can full, but if you are only buying a small amount keep in mind the hose contain the fuel from the previous purchas usually standard grade, so your not getting the benifits of your purchas. If you can't find a station with a dedicated hose fill your jerry full and stabilize it. Good luck
  24. I have seen guys drilling hole with the drills. I does not look like a bad option. Has anyone used one of these style augers...if so : what volt drill works best how many holes on a single battery is there limitations to how thick the ice you can drill Im concerned that if you break through ice ang your chuck let go do you loose your auger to the depths (has this ever happened) where can I find them what are the called name and make kind of thing how much and if any one has anything good or bad to say. I am and have been using a sweedbore 6" I have loved this style for years but as I get older and the kids get older and the grandparents get older the number of hole I drill when company come to vist is getting higher, and the ice is only getting thicker. I think i am starting to get old, I think I just admitted that the sweed bore outlasted my body....crap thanks god for motrin.
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