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Everything posted by jedimaster

  1. You heard it here first. If Luongo plays for the leafs, the leafs make the playoffs in year 1. He won't win them a cup, but he will get them in the playoffs.
  2. Yah guess what happens to the guy that does this. Do you all know who is making the illegal robo calls? Organized Crime and terrorist organizations. That is 50 grand I would pass up on any day of the week.
  3. John Shannon just got fired.... haha, well lets see what happens with that. I would love to see Roberto in a leafs jersey. I think having a highly skilled perenially beat up by the media goalie is exactly what Scrivens and Reimer need.
  4. LOL I was thinking the same thing, that both of those pictures will pop up on the internet and make there rounds like that pike picture. HAHAAHA I just hope he gets a really awesome mount done of that beast and puts the pictures online.
  5. Here is another edit, The first one I did with paint, this one I did with photoshop, neither are great but, you can take your pick...
  6. Its a big fish. I think I should have extended the belly on the right of his right hand a bit further down now that I am looking at it. It sure looks bigger with only one person holding it. I just can't believe he caught this from shore fishing on lake scugog.
  7. haha holy moly the internet sure is fast.
  8. And for the record I did not magnify the fish. Only took out the people and edited in where the other hands were.
  9. Ask and ye shall recieve
  10. Like I said, "That's a BIG muskie!."
  11. So far the hero2 has not bee great, the low light abilities are garbage. Sound is mediocre at best. Actually in hindsight I should have gone for that casio that shoots at 1000fps for roughly the same price. Oh well. I had some timelapse functional issues, and got issued and RMA an few weeks ago. I didn't send it back as I needed it to shoot some videos. Today I just updated with the latest firmware and now the audio doesn't work. BOOO... Also the 30 day money back guarantee only applies if you buy dirct from GoPro. I contacted future shop and they said that if Go Pro sends them an email saying they will replace it to them instead of me that I can return it for a full store credit. Called Go Pro back and they said no. Oh well, Looks like I'll be with the hero2. I am gonna go boxit up and send it back to be repaired/replaced.
  12. Just bought an HD hero2 and had to RMA it as it had issues. I am now a few days over the 30 day money back guarantee.
  13. I did my FAC restricted test, before the PAL system came into effect. I never got aroudn to submiting my application until about 5 years after the PAL came into effect. I called them and The had a record of me passing the restricted course, and I was given my rPAL.
  14. That is a BIG muskie
  15. HaHa, to be honest I was a bit flustered when I was asking her to cover herself in oil and spray some water on her for the shot so she looked sweaty. err but lets not get into that. And to anyone that wants to help out by sharing the video and or the website on any site they want, please do so. We are relying almost entirely on word of mouth. I do have money put asside for some adwords and such but word of mouth is going to be key for this to be a success. Facebook, Twitter, other forums, emails to friends, co-workers etc... are totally fine. I am trying to get permision to post on some LEO forums and some army forums as I am sure they would also be interested in the event. Especially given that its a non profit venture.
  16. HaHa, I'll mention it to her that you are looking for a partner about the same weight of wings you can eat. I am sure she will be so happy. haha I was thinking of also doing a Winter Blast race, and might even do a wing eating contest. haha
  17. There are a few people that have said the same thing. Go on the Facebook site and make a post that you are looking for a partner. There is a girl, that was in the video and she is a big time marathoner. She is looking for a partner.
  18. Thanks guys, even if people just check out the video it will all help as the revenue from the video will be used as a funding source to help advertise. Trying to run this on as close to zero budget as possible, and see where it can go. Any word of mouth the better.
  19. Well, it has been a long road so far having to have dealt with lawyers, accountants, advertisers, marketers, sponsors, charities, the guberment, copyright info and so on and so fourth. The official Launch is here. Some of you may have recall hearing bits and pieces of this, but I'll give you a quick run down. I decided that it was time to take a few of my passions and try and take a run at living the dream. My dream has always been to run a non profit youth camp where city kids can get a chance to experience the outdoors the way you and I do. Under the stars, on the lakes and in the woods. I am striving to fund this camp by running a series of adventure style races. The premier event is called Grudge Run. A 150 km 48 hour endurance race. Now I'll leave out all the nity gritty as they can be found on the website as well on the promo video... Yah thats right I even filmed, edited and directed a video, full of copyright and royalty free goodies. Yep I even have model waivers. haha. Anyway here is the link the website... www.grudgerun.com To our facebook page www.facebook.com/grudgerun As for the company itself we are registered as a for profit company but on the advice of the bean counters this is only setup as a shell for liability reasons to help protect the non profit company we are setting up to run the camp. And the long awaited Promo video... Turn your speakers on.. It took me ages to find legally free audio for the tracks. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MSLWioODTz0 and the link to share for the video is http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MSLWioODTz0
  20. breast up and don't fully cook it in the oven, pull it a bit early, wrap it in tin foil and put it in a cooler to finish cooking.. Comes out awesome.
  21. Will the parks roll into crown land with camping use? or wil they be sold off? I would support more crown land and few parks. JMHO though.
  22. I love it when I see a gas stations in one town 10 cents or more cheaper than in another city or town only a half hour away from eachother.
  23. My dad and his friend had a corvair with a v8 in it, they used to race it at mosport.
  24. Or sell it and buy a lund... sorry dude I had to say it. I have never seen anything that will fix leaky rivets short of replacing them or tightening them(a 2 man job)
  25. haha whatever, you mean you didn't at any point say, hmm thats kinda cool...
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