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Everything posted by jedimaster
I thought this was a guy using a truck to catch a sturgeon
Anyone want to start a Bettman on a boat fund. Haha
Was looking at ASHL's website, sent a few emails out. I think I would be about C level I think. But I haven't played in a long time, so I was thinking of joining a D league and see how it goes.
Just wondering if anyone knows of any non contact mens leagues in the GTA looking for players. I keep thinking about playing again, and with the NHL on lockout I guess this may be the year I jump back in. Looking from something hopefully around the 401/404 area.
Just sitting here in quiet silence,remembering Mom
jedimaster replied to mercman's topic in General Discussion
Very Sorry to hear about your loss. She has gone to a better place and her spirit will live on in you. May she rest in peace. -
A Guy in his 70's with a 20 foot long funnel for kegging? Thats gotta be a first. Maybe its for his ears so he can hear people you know an Ear Trumpet?
rofl There has to be a hole somewhere. Might be on the transom and might be on the side. but yah generally near the back on the side within a few inches of the very top of the gunwale
Anyone serious into cross bow hunting goes for an excalibur. They're far more dependable and as fast as any compound.
Water sampling.... http://www.google.ca/search?hl=en&q=water+sampling+pole&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_qf.&bpcl=35466521&biw=1617&bih=1185&wrapid=tlif135110261051710&um=1&ie=UTF-8&tbm=isch&source=og&sa=N&tab=wi&ei=szCIUO3LEoew0QG-nYG4BA
I believe and don't quote me on this that there are provincial additions to restrictions on hunting from a boat. I believe that there used to be this stipulation of the motor out of the water in Ontario at some point. It is still in effect in some provinces. For ontario it states that you are not allowed to hunt from a boat accept under the provisions of the migratory bird act circa 1994. All guns in a boat must be unloaded unless you fall under those provisions. So while you are fishing your guns must be unloaded and you must follow the rules of transportation. Now there was some debate at some point that when the boat is no longer in motion your guns must fall under the storage laws. I was told trigger lock them to be safe as then you will comply no matter what, however I don't believe this is actually law. Again we all know that sometimes its better to be safe than in front of a judge pleading your case. http://www.mnr.gov.on.ca/stdprodconsume/groups/lr/@mnr/@fw/documents/document/251888.pdf Page 24 Top left paragraph A bit further down on the same document as above As for the migratory bird act... It specifically states that you are NOT allowed to hunt from a motor boat...However the stipulation as follows.... http://laws-lois.justice.gc.ca/eng/regulations/C.R.C.,_c._1035/page-1.html This is the provision that allows you to hunt from a powerboat/motor boat as long as the boat has stopped moving and the motor is off. This also includes your electric trolling motor which must also be turned off and afaik from the last time I talked about this that means it has to be off and the momentary switch must NOT be operational. Momentary on means idle and motor is operational.
Motor must be off(this includes electrics and gas) and the boat must have stopped forward motion. I was stopped once and the CO said we needed to be anchored. I said that wasn't true, pulled out the links and he said ok. Lots of links on the internet about this. http://www.ec.gc.ca/alef-ewe/default.asp?lang=En&n=304CC675-1 http://www.google.ca/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=2&ved=0CCYQFjAB&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.ec.gc.ca%2FPublications%2FA30DA873-5623-4DDD-9DF1-E2F2E23DE491%255CQuickReferenceForMigratoryGameBirdHuntersInOntario.pdf&ei=P7WGUISGMNC80AGEloD4Bg&usg=AFQjCNFgw0XD7O1lX3n95INDaK7Ran7u4g&cad=rja http://www.ec.gc.ca/rcom-mbhr/default.asp?lang=En&n=F566470E-1
How did you guys do it? Hanging or on a table/ground? I find butchering it while hanging upside down is much easier. This is a pretty good video and is roughly how I do mine. Its hard to find a butcher that will go through all the extra hastsle of butchering wild game.
Its not so hard to butcher a deer yourself. I have been doing all of our camps deer for the last 4 or 5 years now. Its pretty easy once you figure out where the bones are. Lots of good how to videos on youtube.
Here are a few randoms from the weekend. Edited of the same picture.
I don't mean to say that all are run by the mob, but lots of the illegal ones are. there was a show on tv the other day about how Canada is viewed as a refuge for Italian mafia king pins. I think I recognized a few ex coworkers. Haha
Did you work for one that was making legal calls... or the illegal ones... trust me on this the people slinging viagra over email, making calls outside of the bounds of whats considered legal are not run by your friendly neighborhood good doer. Alot of what you see around you on a daily basis has mob and gang ties.
Yep, definatly part of the all the regs. it even says so on the label of mine. For me as a backup I keep a normal one in the boat. I don't wear an autoinflator for legal reasons, I wear it for safety and peace of mind. If you ar unconsious when you hit the water the auto inflators will put your face out of the water and keep you alive. Most lifejackets won't do the same, especially if its legally in your storage compartment. Good idea on the re-arm kit. I bought an extra one just in case they get hard to find.
They get paid to make them. Same goes for spam. Its not legit companies that run the spam email, telemarketing companies. Organized crime runs them. I know this first hand. I used to work for one. A telemarketing call goes like this in my house.... "Hello is Mr or Mrs Jedimaster home?" "Click"
Get an auto inflator and wear it. I bought one this year and wore it every day. Even in the dead heat of summer I never found it uncomfortable.
Well the pens got lucky on one of those picks. Lots of people wanted the leafs to tank a few times. But the current gm didn'T want to. No matter what way you look at it, luongo in the cure, but he would be a good piece. He is a step up from the goaltending situation the leafs have now. As long as the leafs dont give up something crazy for him i am happy to have luo on the blue and white.
I think he plays enough to get into the playoffs but doesn't carry them in the playoffs.