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Everything posted by jedimaster
Is Suban there go to guy for net?
Ok, so seeing as how most people will be watching the re-televised games(not me I will watch them at the early wee mornings). Lets all be courtious and not post any topics with titles that give the game away to people who may have forgot there was a game, or missed it or PVR'd it or whatever. Inside this thread though its spoilers away. If you enter this thread you have had your last warning. My thought is just keep this single thread updated with whatever game talk you want, during the game after the game whatever for all games. This thread can stay live until the buzzer and canada dawns the gold or goes down in flames. Keep it clean and it might not get locked and with any luck we can put that darn music thread to shame with hockey talk. OH YAH!!!! NO NHL LOCKOUT/STRIKE TALK ALLOWED in here!!!! I am so sick of that, I gave it my best to keep an even keel but I am done with following it until that is done. From this point forward there are SPOILERS Now I don't follow junior talk but Suban sure looks shakey in net, I sure hope he isn't the go to guy. I know two goals were 3 on 5 but he bobbled lots of pucks all game long. P.S. If you are watching the game right now Canada LOST!!!! I warned you there would be spoilers in here.
If you go to New Franc and bring your dog make sure it understands french and english.
Holy Kool Aid Batman
I agree and thats the problem with ontario, is there are specifically two different climates, Snow Belt and GTA(where most of the population lives). For me I am 8 km's to work, and I am on city streets, Drive a 4x4 with ABS and fresh AT's (Mud and Snow but not winter rated). I couldn't justify spending over a grand on snows. I do a fair bit of driving going ice fishing and have done so with AT and snows, and although there is clearly an advantage to snow tires, with ABS and good AT's I am more than satisfied with the level of grip I have. I just go slower and leave alot more space when required. As for winter rated tires being the end all. Well tell that to my cousin, she had brand new Blizzak's installed and a week later she hit a patch of black ice and ended up rolling in a ditch about 3 weeks ago. Its bean behind wheel 9 times out of 10. I don't need anyone to legislate another money grab even if the intention is good.
I offer this as compelling evidence....
Looks like its red to me with a gold border on the star..... wow do we ever need nhl back. Look what we have resorted to. Santa pictures and fake eagle videos on you tube.
Technically there is a law on "disregarding common sense which leads to driving like an idiot..." its called dangerous driving and careless driving, and it isn't enforced nearly enough. You can get a "Too fast for conditions" charge for going 100 in a 100 during a blizard, aka careless driving, afaik. Its part of the laws that you drive within road conditions. Something that is not enfourced but it should be. Like I said there are enough laws. Look at the second paragraph http://www.insurancehotline.com/the-winter-driving-habits-that-could-cost-you/
Well I decided to ask Santa for a Fender Mustang I. It'll be plenty loud enough and has a tonne of customization available. If Santa brings it then I'll try and post a something from it, but the reviews from it on youtube are great.
I think there should be a law against excessive speeding, tail gating, aggressive driving, racing, using a cellphone while driving and perhaps even driving without a seatbelt. Having those laws will prevent people from doing stupid things on the road. I don't think we need more laws. I think we need more enforcement of the current laws.
haha. sure sure... get the Kool Aid down .
shadow don't just blop and appear they roll into frame. there is plenty of ground before it appears for it to have appeared. Not to mention the guy it flies past has zero reaction even though he is walking in the direction of the bird. He would have ducked. Have you ever heard a large bird swoop down? Its not silent. You can hear the wind rushing.
look where the shadow first appears and go back it had about 200 yards to appear before the tree shadow. It would have been somewhere. PLus not a single other person in the video even acknowledges a bird circling so low to the ground.
Fake... Just ran it through some video.. and the shadow appears partway through the flight... I'll upload in a bit and post a link.I have done a fair bit of bird watching and you can see shadows of birds hundreds of feet above the ground so 20 feet should be plainly visible.
What do you think about the smaller lakes north of you? Have you hear anything about the ones around apsley?
Dingo errr.... Eagle gotch Yo Baby!!!!
Thats some steel balls, I don't think I would go to the middle of a lake when the shoreline is sitting at 2.5 haha
Do you actually think it took the algonquins 400 years to realize that they were never paid for or the land was never taken from them? To think this is nothing other than give us more because we want it is a bit nieve. If they in fact were never paid for than the court case in the early 90's would have ruled in favour of the original algonquin claim. It was realized that through back door dealings that its better to just do this out of court for fear of a violent end.
The area being claimed as Algonquin land has never been officially recognized as having ever been part of the Algonquin territory at any time. As to where the lines actually orignially were I am not sure anyone including the algonquins themselves really know.
Specific to what Terry said. The treaties were all signed and honoured long ago. This is not about land that was not paid paid out or a treaty that was not already signed, sealed and honoured. This is about a new claim to what the Algonquins are now saying should have been included in a claim a that was already signed ages ago. Actually they contested in court that there was no such claim. It was stated in court that there was no legal liability on the part of Ontario or Canada to forfeit this land through the court process. In an attempt for peacefull exchange the Ontario government said that they would be willing to negotiate some sort of settlement out of court settlement to make the Algonquins happy. I would argue that this land was actually taken by force and claimed legally and it was forfeited over the course of the 500 years from when Canad was established and defended. The reality is that a deal was struck to come up with some form of payout. The current proposal for land is in insane. What I think will end up happening is that anythin on crown will be given away and anything private will not. There will be native revolts as there were in caledonia and people will be hurt. Hopefully this does come to a peaceful end. However I can tell you that this will not likely be the last of it even when this has been agreed upon. There will be further disputes and claims resulting of whatever comes of this. That is just my opnion though.
What treaty was signed that stated they would be given land some 500 years later? The treaty's were allready agreed upon, signed and paid out. This is about the algonquins wanting to back in time and re make the treaty and emend what they are claiming should have been in that. Well it wasn't in it then or it would currently be so now.
This is a lasting and broad sweeping topic that has the ability to affect every outdoorsman even if your favorite honey hole is not one of those currently splotched with red or pink. As everyone knows the way the law works is by precident. The Algonquins are trying to set a precident here. There motiviation as they say is that they owned the land and that Canada as a government stole it from them. They have marked a section that stretches from North Bay to the Quebec border and from North Bay along the algoniquin park border, then around Smoke Lake down the edge of th epan handle through haliburton encompassing bancroft down towards frontenac island and up to the quebec border. They are contesting that this stretch of land was theres and should still be there's. They have come up with a first proposal of what they are willing to accept as land given back to them. These are outlined in more detail according to all of the little maps. This includes both Crown Land and Private Land. Much of the crown land is currently within but not limited to Algonquin park. Here is what I have objection to on this matter. The land was not stolen from tha Algonquins, they were not tricked out of it. Battle lines were drawn and the land was take under act of war. Good or bad right or wrong. That is how the world works. That is how nations are created. If that did not happen neither you nor I would be here living in ontario today. Any non native would all be back in Eurorpe, or Asia, or Australia, or the carribean or Africa or wherever else you came from, or of course as I will point out living in the united states. I was born here, my parents were born here, but go back far enough and they were born elswhere. Here is a little history on canada in case you were sleeping in grade 11 history. just the higlights of course 1497 on June 24th John Cabot landed on Cape Breton and claimed the land for King Henry the 7th 1508 a colony established in Labradors 1520 Portuguese mapped the Gulf of the St.Lawrence 1534 Jacque Cartier "re-discovered" the St.Lawrence and called the land kanata, later called it Canada 1605 The first permanent settlement in canada was established 1608 Champlain claimed Quebec was claimed by france with the aid of Huronia Indians 1615 Catholic missionaries were sent to Canada to convert the natives, held the first mass in Ontario 1629 The english overthrew France and took over quebece 1632 a treaty was signed and Quebec was returned to france, for the next 25 or 30 years Quebec/New France was under constant attack by the Iroquis and France declared war against the iroquois 1745 British took control of New France 1807 Slavery abolished in Canada 1812 We should all know about this US versus Canada, Toronto(formeerly known as york was burned down by the Yanks) on Christmas eve in 1814 a peace treaty was signed that ended the war. 1818 The 49th parallel was established as the border Of course lots happened in between and here is thing to understand. If the British did NOT take over Quebec and seize control over Canada from the natives, this land would all be part of the United States. If the war of 1812 was not won than we would all very likely be part of the United States or not here at all. So what does that have to do with the Algonquin Land claim? Well I just don't see where they have any right to the lands that were taken, maintained, governed, protected and ruled for the last 500 some odd years. The british colonizing what is now ontario and defending it from the French/new france/quebec, and later the Americans is land that is encompassed within the Algonquin land claim. To say that the algonquins should have this or any of that land back is like saying France has rights to quebec and it should be given back as well. It purely makes no sense to me whatsoever. What is the motivation? Purely its about pride and money. It is most certainly expected that much of the land will just be resold/leased out to cottagers. Now what would you do if you actually though land was yours and was taken by some governemnt that you do not recognize. Well all around the world this is what starts a war. Will there be a war? Most certainly, the war will start out with talks and attempted legislation, this is where we are now. If the land is not given back you can almost be certain that blood will be spilled once again over the very same land where is was spilled many times before. Of course if the land is given back the Candian's will just accept it and move on. The question is should we? What do I think should happen? I don't think the government should set a legal precident for giving back land that was already taken, claimed, defended and ruled. Right or wrong, good or bad, this land is canadian land. The Algonquin's live within canada and should have the same rights to that land as you or I. Extra rights are even granted that already cause great harm to the fisheries as we all know. To expand this is just insane in my humble opinion. If you ask me? I say give nothing, and fight for it if needed. I would stand a fight for it. Would you? Many I guess will disagree and say we should just give some back, or pay them off or whatever. but I think its just wrong. Thats my piece on this matter.
My Prediction for Snow This Winter - Little to None NF
jedimaster replied to bigbuck's topic in General Discussion
I thought all you guys wanted to mandate snow tires from october to april? How do you like my all seasons now baby? Hahaha