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Everything posted by jedimaster

  1. I had one last year, it busted into a million pieces. maybe I got a bad batch.
  2. Yah I am remembering the killer walk in the last time and I am thinking I might not want to do it again. haha, feeling a bit lazy. lol
  3. We will be near the loon call area. How did they make out if you recall?
  4. Just wondering if anyone has been on the ice in the Apsley/bancroft corridor? Was planning on hitting a small back lake tomorrow.
  5. The Plow trucks and sanders on on red alert here in toronto, we got a huge dumping of about 1" throughout the day. Most of it is still on the ground, cars are in the ditches, and grocery stores are selling out of canned goods.
  6. The big show that apparently noone cares about.
  7. Hopefully going to go this week somewhere between bancroft and apsley but it may be a last minute type of decision. Was hoping things would have locked up by now.
  8. Any updates for the apsley or north area, or a Halliburton?
  9. Merry Christmas everyone. Have a safe and happy year, may your livewells be full and rods bent all season long.
  10. Well the setup works out pretty good and records nicely. The way I have it rigged is the mustang 1 connected to the ci1 via the headphone jack with adapter and a patch cable to input 1 on the ci1 and then the mic hooked up to the ci1 port 2 with phanton power and mono sound on. Then I hook up some headphones to the line out and and I can hear both guitar from the amp and vocals from the mic. Open up sequel 2le and I can record and edit the tracks on there own. Now if only I could play the guitar and sing and I would be all set. Haha. Btw the mustang1 sounds awesome. You can control it completely from the computer and control and download custom song specific amp setups. Really blown away by this amp. Dont get too hung up on the first act amp its the kids amp for fun, I used to have a nice fender twin tube but to be honest the sound and versatility of this mustang amp for 110 bucks is really hard to beat. I ended up getting an at 2020 mic and it also sounds really nice.
  11. They all sure looked small today. I wonder how they will match up against the americans in wha will likely be a more physicial game.
  12. A guy at work has a cottage on an island and he is hydro free. He also has minimal propane usage. He has 4 big solar panels, electric fridge, and a few small solars for this and that. He doesnt have much other than lights and a small led tv and a backup gen for the cloudy weeks when the sun doesn't run the fridge it was costing him a lot to keep the fridge on propane. So do your math. Lots of people are off the grid.
  13. Good game this morning so far. Lots of speed on both sides of the ice. The sweeds look contenders.
  14. Also have an acoustic but some songs are nice with the electric. And this setup also work with the acoustic plugged into the ci1 without the amp.
  15. I don't think the tax the players pay come even close to the govt kickbacks the team gets.
  16. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C7-4GC828rM
  17. Only zombies and infidels have been left to rot on earth, a diseased and dieing planet with dimminishing natural resources. All the good people got taken away to some holy cloud in the sky.
  18. Well that first act amp was just a toy that was leftover from the kids, so I don't really expect much from it. Actually I am happy it just turns on and makes some noise.
  19. We don't need the NFL here, but I want the NFL here. I have tried many times over the year to get into the cfl and I just can't do it. I even used to go to games. I would love to see the NFL here. However I think it would benefit the Bills to have an NFL team in Toronto. The Toronto/Buffalo rivalry is already strong in hockey and would be equally as strong in the NFL. Of course Buff would lose some fringe fans from ontario, but if Buffalo can't stand on its own it shouldn't be standing. jmho. Look at how much it hurts the nhl.
  20. Basically I am just building a "For fun" at home studio. So far I have the following plan I am just not too sure yet as everything is xmas gifts for various household people some myself if the ci1 will output live audio to the computer speakers. I don't think it does. I think you need to output to headphones(have) or the lineouts. That was sort of the impression I got from going through the documentation.
  21. Just a cheap crappy one, it would be similar to this http://www.toysrus.com/product/index.jsp?productId=2419339
  22. Ok so Santa squeeled that I am getting a new amp for Xmas, and I was wondering if its possible to take the crappy amp I already have and somehow gut the internals to make it a straight no effect clean amp? I have tried but even with the gain turned down and the tone adjusted up or down it still has some weird distortion to it. Just wondering if it can be gutted to a simple powered speaker.
  23. btw thats 11:11AM UTC according to the great mayan oreo cookie....
  24. End was at 6:11am Eastern.... Well Since the world ended and only miscreints and zombies are left I guess I am stuck here in hell with you guys.
  25. Looks cool, can't see if the mic inputs have phantom power.
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