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Everything posted by blaque

  1. I actually did get out on the ice off Long Point a couple times last year. Guess what i got?....skunked LOL. Well, some dink perch but even they were far and few between.
  2. Thats awesome.......
  3. Really? Maybe the Cornell research group should put down the work on the sturgeon and get back to the bread and butter of that lake. THE WALLEYE! As far as chautaqua......ive given up on that lake. Used to make a long weekend trip there for years and stopped going there years ago. The jet-skiers can have it lol
  4. Word.....Not that i mind a challenge, but it seems Ya gotta work alot harder at those Oneida eyes these days than in the past. And Chautaqua, forget about it.
  5. Was a hoot, wasnt it. Hoping for many more of those in the near future
  6. Ahhhh, for some reason i thought it was a newbie
  7. Just saw this one.....lol. Dont know what i was thinking, the big boat has a 24 volt system. The canoe is 12! Good Catch Roy
  8. Brake Pads and Rotors Already?!!!
  9. Was working at the office in Downtown Buffalo. A guy next to me always had ear buds in and listened to the radio while working. He leaned over to me and said, "i guess a plane crashed into the WTC". It was just moments into the event and i asked "what kind of plane".......he replied "I dont know, they arent saying" and i thought it had to be a little cesna or something and he agreed. Back to work......... It didnt take long before the whole building was in the cafeteria area, discovering that this was no small cesna accidentally running into the tower. We all stood there until the buildings came down. I dont remember how much time had lapsed from the first word from my co-worker next to me until the horrific collapse. I still really dont know how long it all took. Not much was said after they fell..... Everyone just took it upon themselves to go back to their offices, get their belongings, and go home. No-one had to approve a dismissal, nobody asked their bosses if they could leave. All work was just forgotten about, and the building just emptied quietly.
  10. Ugh, that too would have my brain going in a bad way
  11. Very sad indeed, haunts me to think of what those last seconds were like for all the crew and passengers involved. Absolutely terrible.
  12. Cheers to the return of the nordiques! Maybe even other cities like Montreal or even Ottawa could make a return to the league eventually as well? (adding Toronto would have been to Cliche')
  13. I like the look. And i also welcome another canadian team back into the league. Hopefully there are more to come. If the guy posting on the article above is a resident of Winnipeg.......my response is this: You were just given the gift of Hockey back into your town, something that probably ripped your heart out when they were taken from you. You now have that back, and you feel the first thing at hand should be to post an 8 point complaint list lol. Really?.........REALLY!?!?!? If i were in that position i wouldnt care if my guys were dressed in Pink Tutus!!
  14. lol, thats great Roy
  15. Hit e-bay for a cheap electric trolling motor. I just picked up a 30 thrust and it works dandy with two in the canoe. Hook it up to a 24 volt car battery and away you go. I racked my brain before i got it as to how i would mount it. And i scrapped the whole in line mount and simply clamped it onto the sidewall of the canoe with a board on the outside and inside of the gunwhale to sandwich the canoe wall and it works flawlessly. Ive only been fishing it a couple weeks with floats and drop shot so i cant comment on the trolling issue. BUt youve got plenty of good info.
  16. I can still handle eating a serving of HOT wings if its just Franks Red Hot. However, at a friends cookout this past weekend i tried a drop of 357 MAGNUM hot sauce for a little taste. The results were twofold. 1), i think smoke literally started coming out of my ears and 2) I almost punched my friend in his face for putting the bottle in front of me
  17. Golfers.......Pfffft!
  18. Ya this is like the 3rd "enforcer" type player to pass since i think May
  19. Soooo hard! I feel for ya. Always look back and smile, as you showed that guy a wonderful and spoiled life IM SURE!
  20. Oh I'm into cookie cutter stockers lol
  21. Think of that as a good thing......better steelhead fishing
  22. Ive got a mechanic like you aplumma. And he'll get my business every time. Matter of fact, hes right across the street from my office,.......and HE comes over to pick up my vehicle to take it over to the garage. HE brings it back to me and just leaves my keys with the receptionist. Doesnt ask to see me for payment, just does the work, drops it off, and knows ill be bye to drop off a check the next time i pass him. He tops fluids off no matter what hes servicing,... He'll tell me whats actually wrong even if its the cheaper fix (thanks ford dealership lol).....He even leaves little gifts on my seat for me like multi-tool swiss army knife kinda stuff LOL. Hes honest , fair , and if i get a steep repair bill.....i know its an honest one. Ill pay for this guy all day long and KNOW that hes worth his weight in gold. And ya know what he has in common with you.......Hes got NO SIGN on his garage, and NO logo on his truck. Word of mouth all the way and he gets plenty of good word!
  23. Im sure the raised hairs here arent due to raising awareness,....The issue is that it was done so by pointing the finger at a guy who wanted to go angle a few fish with a rod and reel. He's not even a pinprick on the map of the problem.......However,... a MUCH easier target
  24. One of the most misguided rants i think ive read on here.
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