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Everything posted by ~CK~

  1. good to hear the saskatch won.
  2. I believe that parents are responsible for what their children watch on tv/listen to on the radio, but I also believe that the radio station should do the same as most TV stations do and give a warning to listeners that there are "Graphic details" about to be heard so take your children out of the room or switch the station. I am also getting rather disgusted in the way these so called "news reporters" beat at aleady dead horses for days, neigh, weeks on end.. take, for instance, poor Anna Nicole Smith. JUST LEAVE HER IN PEACE! Jeeez!! When someone dies, it should be a private family affair, not splattered all over every source of media known to man until even the most braindead accident victim lying in a hospital bed somewhere with a tv can recite the gruesome details to you! I don't need to know what was in her fridge! The poor woman was obviously tormented and died a very tragic death. Now leave her family to sort out the details and get on with your own pathetic, miserable existences. SOME reporters make me sick. November of 1996, there was a serial rapist terrorizing the North York/York Region area of Toronto. The man was described as black, early twenties, medium build. One of the victims was able to give a description that lead to a police composite sketch which was released to all the newspapers and tv stations. One night, my best friend's boyfriend, walked her to the bus stop so she could go to work, and on his way back home he was arrested by York region police under suspicion of being the attacker. He was aggressively interrogated for more than 10 hours without food or water. At 5am, he was given a polygraph test, which he was told he failed. He asked for a lawyer repeatedly but was denied. He realized the only way they were going to stop was if he confessed. They were telling him point blank to his face that he did it, even though he knew he didn't. Finally, just to get some rest, he faked a confession. Of course, DNA evidence cleared him of all charges a week later. . and they did catch the real rapist eventually... But in the meantime, his face, name, and any tiny detail about him, his life, and his girlfriend- MY best friend- , were PLASTERED everywhere that you turned. TV stations, radio, newspapers, all pointing the finger at him and saying that he was a rapist. My poor friend, she couldn't show her face anywhere for weeks, even months! People gave her dirty looks wherevere she went, someone even threw rocks at her one day! They were evicted from their apartment because the landlady believed what she saw on tv and in the papers rather than believe the truth. This was a man who at the time, was a security guard waiting to get into the police academy. Because of the media, his name was tarnished and so was my friend's. It took years to come back from that. All because of a story, blown out of proportion, sensationalized if you will, with UN-TRUE "facts" that anyone with a tv, radio, or 0.50 cents to buy a paper were bombarded with. When it comes to stories like these... sometimes the public really doesn't need to know... especially impressionable young minds...
  3. LOL! And I was here trying to do a search for all threads with "lures", "hanging lures", etc... Imagine how much time I wasted..
  5. YAY!! HAPPY DANCE!! WOOT!! I had already sent him a pm asking to send it to me but you beat him to it! Thank You!!
  6. Thanks guys, I think irishfield has it... it looked like it could have been a laundry room, lol. Roy, I have never been on the Musky Striker board, it was definitely the old OFC board that I saw it. Thanks anyway.
  7. Thanks, I thought of that too, but something with shelf space would be more appropriate for the space I am working with and the amount of "stuff" needed to be organized. I am thinking along the lines of one of those closet organizer thingys? Maybe someone has some more knowledge/experience with this? I have to fit a lot of stuff into not a lot of space. lol.
  8. I think it may have been before the board changed over to OFC, but there was a thread where ppl showed off their lure collections.. one guy had built some shelves (made of that metal/wire stuff- the kind of shelves they use for closets, fridges, etc.) and had all his lures hanging from the wires.. sorry I don't remember who it was.. If anyone remembers the name of the thread or can find me the pic again, plz, I would really appreciate it.. trying to come up with something to organize all the fishing gear, lures, etc. a bit better and I thought it was a great idea. Thanks! ~CK~
  9. no comments from the peanut gallery. OT- I also think I would have liked to have gone fishing with Bob Hunter and Steve Irwin. Now THAT would be an adventure!
  10. Well, nobody really taught me how to fish.. I guess you could say Raf and DipLip are sort of teaching me little by little.. and what better teachers to have, right? Two people I would give my right arm to spend more time with, fishing or otherwise, would be my mother- who passed away when I was 5 yrs old, and my grandmother, who passed away in 1999. They never fished that I know of, but it would have been nice to be out in the great outdoors with the women of my family, talking and laughing and sharing a wonderful bonding experience. RIP Mom and Gramma. Oh yeah.. and in answer to the Monroe comment (you know who you are).. I pick Wentworth Miller and Milo Ventimiglia. Nyah nyah nyah nyah nyah....
  11. LOL! This is sick. Good prank for Hallowe'en.
  12. I just got home (I live on the North York/Etobicoke border) and it is certainly coming down out there! Been heavy since about 6-6:30 this evening.. I was out running errands and shtuff and got stuck in it pretty bad. A couple centimetres on the ground already and cars are having trouble stopping. I almost got hit a couple times crossing the street. Drivers, give yourself lots of braking room before a stoplight. It's slippery out there. Don't speed, take your time. Hope most of you are inside and toasty warm right now anyway. Don't go out unless you have to.
  13. Hmm.. and just in time for Valentine's day... I guess there's no point in me getting my hair done, lol. The wind and snow will just undo it in two seconds. PS- I like the new smilies. I might have to borrow Davey Crocket's hat up there to keep warm. Either his or Uncle Buck's white one. Not only warm but apparently lucky.
  14. ~CK~

    NO WAY!!

    Ahem... and here I thought I was going to get one...
  15. LOL no problem.
  16. Nauti.. I figured out what you did.. I think.. go to the top right hand corner of the original post and you can see there is a drop down menu called "options". Click on "switch to standard" and it should go back to normal. I hope I'm right anyway. Let me know.
  17. Well Raf took me to up Six Mile Lake with DipLip and some friends this past wknd.. I finally got to get out on the ice for the first time, but all I got was one tiny baby perch! LOL! He was so small I didn't even know he was on the end of my line until I "gave up" and reeled 'er in.. poor thing got hooked in the gill and must have been hanging there for a while because the constant nibbles I had been feeling stopped for about 10 minutes.. I guess seeing a perch suspended vertically scared the rest away hehe.. OOPS! Well, at least I got out. It was a good wknd, except for the FOOT AND A HALF of SNOW that fell overnight!! The boys had to dig out the trucks on Sunday and it took all day.. then the owner of the cottage had a flat tire so we had to wait for CAA to come get him.. but we all made it back alive and well, if not a little worse for the wear. Good food, lots of beer, and a few good people made it all worth while for me. I'm happy I walked across a frozen lake and survived! Can't wait to do it again... um, let's just pay attention to the weather report next time though, ok boys? PS- I took some great pics of the snow, maybe Raf can add them later.
  18. I had 3 cats at one point.. one was a white tabby with silver and black patches of spots and stripes on her, then I was given 2 kittens from a friend. They were sisters, one a black and white tabby and the other an orange and black calico. It got to be too much to take care of them all, and the first one was getting older so I gave her to a nice family to live out her days and I kept the kittens. Well, the little orange and black calico just would not grow, her teeth broke easily and she hardly ate but pee'd everywhere except the box. I took her to the vet and found out she had feline leukemia. It broke my heart and i cried and cried but there was no way I could afford to take care of her, so I gave her to the Humane Society. I believe they put her down because she was too sick. So now I just have the black and white tabby left. Her name is Jinx, and she's definitely a handfull. Right now, she is starting to pee all over the house like her sister did and I am getting worried that she may have the same disease. I took her to the vet but he couldn't tell anything and I have to get all these tests done. I really don't know what I am going to do with her. If I have to have her put down I am going to lose it. She's been my little baby for the last 3 years and has been with me through many ups and downs. Whenever I am sad or upset she always comes running just like a dog would to comfort me and try to cheer me up. She's the friendliest, purrr-iest cat you'll ever meet in your life. I just wish I knew what to do. Here is a pic of the 3 cats snuggled together.. this was in 2003. This is the older cat "Tula" and the calico tabby "Chubby" that she took to mothering. And this is my baby kitty "Jinxie" who I am afraid may be sick right now.
  19. I like the Club skin. Of course, I like any skin by Dragonfly.
  20. OMG!! Raf just told me that I won so I had to rush right over and take a look to see if he was pulling my leg!! Awesome!! It really is my lucky week- I won a free stay for two at Burleigh Island Lodge (I entered a draw when I was up there last) also! These two prizes go great together! Thanks Fishergirl and Extreme Angler! Oh and OFC for bringing the contest over here! Kerry
  21. Just saw this on the news today.. was actually looking for an article to post it myself, lol.. Indeed a very scary looking fish. At first all I saw was the side view of the teeth and I actually thought they were talking about a Muskie but then I saw the rest of it... ugly as all Hell looking, especially the gills.
  22. Fave music styles: Classic Rock, Alternative, Punk, BLUES, Old Motown, Hip Hop, Dancehall + Conscious Reggae, Ska, R&B, Pop, New Country.... I should have just said anything that sounds good! Fave artists: Aerosmith, U2, GNR, Zepplin, AC/DC, Lynard Skynard, Queen, Metallica, Nirvana, Pearl Jam, Green Day, Ramones, Dropkick Murphys, Linkin Park, Simple Plan, NIN, BB King, Eric Clapton, Blues Brothers, Ray Charles, Al Green, Barry White, The Supremes, Temptations, Four Tops, Stevie Wonder, Marvin Gaye, The Commitments, Booker T and the MG's, Janis Joplin, Jimi Hendrix, ZZ Top, War, Pink Floyd, Nickleback, Evanescence, Creed, No Doubt, Big Sugar, Maxi Priest, Shaggy, Sean Paul, Sanchez, Beenie Man, Buju Banton, Bob Marley, Sasha, James Brown, Sly and the family Stone, Kool and the Gang, Erykah Badu, Kanye West, Fugees, Tupac, Biggie, Snoop, Dr Dre, Eminem, Black Eyed Peas, Outkast, Justin Timberlake, Kelly Clarkson, Pink, Madonna, Shania Twain, Garth Brooks, Dixie Chicks, Faith Hill, Tim McGraw, Dwight Yokam, Rascall Flatts, Carrie Underwood, Dallas Green, Neverending White Lights, Coldplay..... the list goes on and on... Most underrated bands: I was going to say the Dropkick Murphys but someone beat me to it.. I guess I'll go with The Commitments. In the early 90's there as a book about a Soul band in Northern Dublin, Ireland, which didn't get very far outside of their hometown. There was a movie with soundtrack based on the book, which were both quite successful and a "real band" formed from some of the principal actors in the film. The Commitments still tour today, their show is a compilation of songs from the movie as well as some all time soul classics.
  23. Awwww... that's sooo cute... and now you can say she "sleeps with the fishes" and laugh about it..
  24. Raf and the boys are out there right now, they left yesterday.. good to see that it's safe and the fishn's good. Can't wait to see what they come up with! Thanks for the report.
  25. Very Cute. Hehehe.
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