Well, Drive Clean was a debacle from the get go. Those of us who owned auto repair and testing facilities will attest to it. I won't go into the details as it's been discussed ad nauseam!
However, safety inspections are quite another thing. Annual, or even bi-annual inspections are long overdue, say after the vehicle is 3-5 years old. I would see infractions, (many very serious), on a weekly basis. Dangerously worn brakes, bald tires, body panels hanging off, frames and mounts rusted through, vehicles crabbing down the road, driving lights and signal lights out, vehicles modified waaay beyond their capabilities, tire beads over stretched onto rims plus many others. I would say that 1 out of every 8 or 10 cars and trucks and vans that came in for oil changes etc. had some kind of safety issue. This was in Milton, however I'm sure that the town was not unique. Do the math and you will scare the crap out of yourself as to how many potentially dangerous weapons are out there on our roads. Rant over!