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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/31/2022 in all areas

  1. He should have took his chances and gutted the moose, loaded up and got it home rather than letting it rot. Would have saved himself 11,000 bucks if he still got caught. He should be never allowed past French river again.
    1 point
  2. He did not have a cow tag, when he saw it was a cow he knew he screwed up and he left it in the woods to rot. From my way of thinking if he was trying to jack a moose he would have taken it home with him. That’s the way I read it “Elyk shot and killed a cow near Sables Lake,” the release said. “He did not have a valid licence to hunt a cow moose. Elyk then abandoned the moose, causing it to spoil.” he still screwed up and is paying for it
    1 point
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