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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/16/2022 in all areas

  1. Winter is here. Actually winter has been here for nearly a month, it’s just taken me a while to catch up to it, getting older I guess. The lakes started locking up Nov 15th give or take a few days and we headed out over the weekend and found 6” of clear black ice with just a few inches of snow cover on a favourite local walleye spot. Fished for a couple hours from 1 pm , leaving before sunset with 15 or so fish between the three of us. Many of the fish released as they were over 18” , only one fish over 18” per person allowed in a limit of 4. Anyway, enough reciting the Zone 5 regs……..
    2 points
  2. 2 points
  3. When I seen the post and the OP, I said to self,Simon is going to piss me off again this winter season. OH IT,S A WHITE FISH LOL Nice buddy.
    1 point
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