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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/28/2022 in all areas

  1. Just got our power back on yesterday (Friday) and internet & landline (phone) finally got hooked up today. I've also got a cell phone but reception was poor. I've said it may times but my GENERAC standby generator is by far the best money I've ever spent. Just a few seconds after the storm hit and everything went out, the generator fired up and ran everything I needed in the house for 7 days and never hiccuped once. I shut it down a couple times just to check the oil but other than that it ran constantly & flawlessly. I've been around a long time and been thru plenty of bad storms but never saw anything hit that fast and nasty before. Wife and I took a walk when it was all over and I couldn't believe the number of massive trees snapped in half or torn right outta the ground and sadly a fella was killed by a falling tree just south of me. Hopefully all you boys made it through without too many issues.
    2 points
  2. I just recently installed 2 steel roofed gazebos on my back deck and didn't remember till after the storm that I forgot to screw them down. I guess if they didn't go into orbit during that storm they never will LOL
    1 point
  3. Loaded up the grill. Thick loin chops from Costco, hand made sausages from zhers fresh today. The butcher there is a newf. These sausages are the bomb. Some tater and a bit of green to stay on the healthy side. Well except all the budda. That Is why there is no sour cream. LOL
    1 point
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