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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/19/2019 in all areas

  1. Pretty good guitar for a keyboard player, really liked this song early seventies but solo effort is amazing by an amazingly talented musician.
    1 point
  2. My son had his JK Terry Fox run today. On our drive home from school he was talking about this guy with a wooden leg, he seemed to be obsessed with the topic and that somebody had a wooden leg after seeing the videos in class. I tried to make sense of it all to him, we went online for pics and videos, I talked about how lucky we are to be healthy, how Terry was a great Canadian and wanted to help others, I tried to show him where Thunder Bay was in relation to St Johns and Vancouver, I tried, I don't think he got anything other than this Terry Fox guy is (he can't grasp he's dead) is something special. crap, cheesy video but there's not much choice of videos, the moral is Terry was a great Canadian, and he was just a kid too
    1 point
  3. probably heard this song 20 or more times, but I get choked up every time I hear it, I've got a 4 year old son, I just darn want to be with him 24/ 7, 365, I'm his hero and he's my world
    1 point
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