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'Nudder One Of 'THOSE' Years?


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Cheer up Photoz--maybe you're tryin too hard dude


lots of 15/20 ponders here in PepperSquash-pm me if you wish


maybe i can pay you back for the Carp education--keep it simple--yah got too much gear..lol!



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The only place I've found up your way is in the Holland, where you can get access to the water or the Beaver. I fished out at the mouth of the Beaver, TWICE, all day, a couple years ago, saw lotsa carp in the river, laid out POUNDS of corn . . .. they wouldn't touch it!! They tend to be very suspicious of anything they've never been introduced to . . . . if a person had the time, and was close enough to a spot like that, and 'chummed' the area heavily for a few days, they'd get fish. I did this in one of the eastern tribs 3 years ago . . . always saw LOTSA carp . . . couldn't induce 'em to hit ANYTHING, on the advice of an English pal, I 'chummed' the area heavily for about 10 days . . . . my next trip produced 7 fish, ALL over 20 pounds, with the best being over 30! I KNOW Simcoe is LOADED with carp, it's the UNavailability of legal parking, and shore access that keeps me away. Then, by mid June, it's weeded in so thick you need a winch to get your hook and line back in! But . . . . ANY hints (P M) at fishable shore spots is highly appreciated!

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