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Hi guys,

I want to drive up to Tobermory sometime this summer and fish in the harbor. I don't know why, I just have an interest for that general area basically.

I will probably go in late August (the only time I don't have something else booked).


What types of fish live in the harbor (both big tub and little tub) and what would be my best ways to catch them?


Also, where would be the best spot to fish from? I was up there last summer with my mom and while we were having dinner downtown I saw some docks on little tub harbor (the marina) that I might be able to fish from. I think I could probably also drive around to the lighthouse point on big tub and possibly cast off of there.


Here is a crappy pic of the harbor I found, just for a visual.



Thanks a lot,



HI Matt,


We're 1/2 hr south of Tobermory. I've fished from shore there on a couple of occasions. I know the area well but, all depends what you want to fish for. Smallies and perch are the easy'est. However, end of August had luck with chartruse jig heads, chart, 3inch twister tails. Big Tub light house is a good walk about (yes you can drive there) Little Tub, by Earl st, has a board walk and access points to do the shor line thing. Just remember its rocky without much weed lines. If your going for big and plenty, wrong spot.

Average and little bunches, your good.


pm me if any more questions.

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