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CANADIAN COPPER'S Season Ending Report...

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Well, I had the pleasure of fishing for Steelies with CANADIAN COPPER today. We had planned this over a week ago...and were hoping for some rain and some waters that were not ultra clear....but this was not to be! I talked to him yesterday and he said I had to come and pick him up at 4:00. I said...pardon...4:00am?? LOL. This guy doesn't fool around!! Well, I picked him up early...at about 3:45am, and the first order of business was coffee from Tim Hortons!!!


We arrived at our spot in complete darkness...at 4:30. It was a crisp and cool morning...about 10C, but with the promise of warmer temps later!


I was the first to pull a fish out...a small bow...a trend for my day apparently....LOL. I pulled two of these little guys out....




CC then saw his float go down and he said his signature "There we go...got one on!".



CC, then brought this fighter in...had beautiful colours!!! The picture doesn't really do it justice however....



The spot we were at held TONS of fish...we just couldn't get them to bite. We threw roe, jigs and flies of every colour, pinkies, nymphs....even live wax worms...but the bite was lacking! We then moved on to a different spot. After drifting for a while, my float went down and I had a nice one on, but lost it about 10 feet away from me. CC then landed one, but I didn't hear him when he called me to get the camera!


While we were out, CC got the call he dreaded and everyone else was praying for. He goes back to work!!! YAY!!! :lol: That means that the rest of us have a chance at catching a few more before they head back to the lake. All his catching has been making them shy to hit bait. Sure...some blame it on low and ultra clear water...lack of rain etc....but the more I thought about it, it had to be him. LOL :lol:


Anyhow, I dropped him off at home at around 3pm and I went to a local trib since I didn't have to be home right away. I met up with bly there and although we saw a few big steelies, we couldn't entice them to bite. We did however, catch a few of these little browns...



Thanks CC, for taking me out to some of your favourite spots. You've really helped bly and I get into the sport of Steelheading. We're not great at it yet, but we are quick learners...we've had a blast out there. You can bet we'll be hitting the tribs again this fall...with more luck than last year! Once your work season is over, I look forward to once again hitting the tribs with you.

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was a great time out cliff!!(even if it was 4am lol)

ya it was devasting news but my season (fishing career without pay according to my wife lol) has ended!!! it was a good run and hope to get out with you guyz again soon!!!

time for the rest of you to flurish the board with reports as i put my keyboard to rest!!lol

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Great pics and report!!!!... did you try the old reliable "Garden Hackle"???


GCD...had to look up online what a Garden Hackle was...haha. But no...we didn't try them...and the bad thing about that is that I have some at home in the fridge!!! Oh well..live and learn...they could have been the key!

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