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Foxhounders speak out


The Masters of Foxhounds Association (MFA) has been criticized for its hunting practices, but the association has uncovered animal cruelty -- or at a least shortage of shelter care -- at P3TA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) and HSUS (Humane Society of the United States) facilities.


Dennis Foster, MFA executive director, provides Center for Consumer Freedom details on the Virginia Commonwealth's attempts to revoke P3TA licenses to operate animal shelters in that state.


Based on P3TA's records, 84 percent of animals taken into its public shelters are euthanized within 24 hours. With a working budget of $35.8 million annually, P3TA shelters do not have "sufficient animal enclosures to routinely house the number of animals annually reported as taken into custody," Virginia officials noted.


The HSUS budget, far exceeding P3TA's, includes just one percent granted to maintaining animal shelters. To date, Virginia's attempts to revoke P3TA's license have been dropped, despite a petition signed by more than 180,000 Americans so far.


To learn more about a campaign to revoke the P3TA shelter license in Virginia and to accurately report on HSUS animal shelter operations, go to humanewatch.org and scroll to items on animal shelters and petition-signing.



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