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Possession Question


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keep this discussion goin guys.....dont worry about goin off topic. I wanna know more thoughts about what people think about the transport going back to skeeters posts about transport during tourneys. Anybody else have any insight on that?

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Per the regs Brandon...illegal as soon as they pull that boat out of the water on the trailer and head for the weigh in. But that's not the only reg broken during Bass tourneys..but do we really want to go down that road again here?

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If you get a fish from a lake you cannot keep it. If you get a fish from a stocking facility you can keep it. The problem being if you are transporting live fish is that you could potentially be transporting disease or non native species (eggs, baitfish,) to different areas thus the dead fish thing. But if you were to get a stocking fish from a farm you can keep it and no it wouldn't be considered out of season if you caught it in your tank. ( private land). Lets think about this... You ever bought a live trout north of the cn rail tracks out of season? the ones swimming around in the grocery store tank? Or have you seen the demonstrations at Bass pro? I know this cause I have actullay asked this question. lol Yep too much paint chips as a kid.. I buy bait from a place called Leonards in Verona ontario, and he is the guy that supplies walleye, and catfish to Bass pro for that hhuge tank. He also supplies walleye fingerlings and other species for stocking programs throughout ontario. He has only had one problem.... Sending fish to tanks across the border(south). other then that don't fish out of season.

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So Brandon is accosted by the Game Warden while jest steppin' off the local community dock, with none other than 2 live fish in a cooler.


"'Scuse me" ventured the game Warden. "I'm afraid I will have to charge you with the illegal transporting of fish that are out of season".


"You are mistaken, officer" Brandon responded confidently.

"These here fish are my pets".




"How so"?


"Well, I caught them last summer, while they were in season, and brought them home fer the kids. They just love 'em. Even named 'em Bob an Rob. Ain't that cute"?


"Well, nice try" the game warden said. " I do not beleive you"!


"Honest" countered Brandon. " I bring them down here to the dock fer a little swim in the open water. They have been trained by me an the kids with special signals, I usually have a smoke, while they swim around under the dock, an when I finish I give 'em the special signal, they return, and we go back home. I can prove it".


"Well this I gotta see" insisted the CO.


Wall, Brandon and the CO make their way to the end of the Pier, and brandon puts first one, then the other Fish gently into the water, and they both watch the two fish slowly swim a bit in a circle then go slowly down under the dock.

Brandom lights up a smoke, and makes small talk with the Game Warden. A cuople minutes go by and the CO says:


" Ok, put that cigarette out and call back the fish"

"What fish"?

Edited by Clamp-It
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" Ok, put that cigarette out and call back the fish"

"What fish"?

Good one clampet .... :clapping: ..these are all good topics to bring up for people that don't no Regs ...there is nothing wrong with others opions but never go buy them ...

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