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Just wondered if anyone had seen any results from the Salmon Derby on Lake ONtario?


Always a well run event and some big fish...just seem to have taken a bit of a hit over the last couple years in overall size of fish!


Last year there were several fish caught over 39 lbs. The size is down this year for multiple reasons, but I think it will pick up in a couple of years due to the success of local Pen Projects and gene pool. On a side note, guys have been catching a lot of shakers this year (salmon under 5 lbs), which in theory will result in a higher number of mature salmon in 2-3 years.


Can't wait for the biggins to return.


Just wondered if anyone had seen any results from the Salmon Derby on Lake ONtario?


Always a well run event and some big fish...just seem to have taken a bit of a hit over the last couple years in overall size of fish!



Hey Doug;




what HookerDown said




x 2



pretty well done -August 27th-Toast!





We were thinking of Fish Shadowing Aaron Shirley this Salmon Season






he would have none of it








if you want to get out with Keith Lamson and us-Port Credit Launch 8 Sharp!






Sept 9th--- you know you are more than welcome dude--anytime!



Pm me here maybe?








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