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Hey guys, the old lady scored us a weekend at one of her coworkers cottages on lake Joe this weekend. I have never fished the lake and I have heard mixed opinions on the quality of fishing in the lake. I have heard some people tell me there is musky in lake Joe. Is this true? I have had other people tell me there is no musky in the lake but that there is pike. I want to know if its worthwhile bringing my musky gear or not. Also is the pike fishing any good? Just looking online I dont see much re pike in the lake, just bass and lake trout info.


Thanks in advance guys!




Yes, there are musky in Joseph as well as medium to large pike. I had a beast follow this past Monday. My guess it was a musky and not a pike as the back was more brown than black. Last year, landed a very long, but very skinny muskie. My partner landed a 9 lb pike and lost one close to 12 or more lbs this Monday. If you need more info PM me.




Hey guys, the old lady scored us a weekend at one of her coworkers cottages on lake Joe this weekend. I have never fished the lake and I have heard mixed opinions on the quality of fishing in the lake. I have heard some people tell me there is musky in lake Joe. Is this true? I have had other people tell me there is no musky in the lake but that there is pike. I want to know if its worthwhile bringing my musky gear or not. Also is the pike fishing any good? Just looking online I dont see much re pike in the lake, just bass and lake trout info.


Thanks in advance guys!




Musky are rare, but are in there.


Huge pike. Tons of small mouth bass and lake trout as well.


Thanks for the info guys. I received a few PMs as well. Seems the consensus is that musky are not worth it on Lake Joe. I will try and focus most my efforts on laker fishing (which I suck at) and if I get bored with that I will probably throw a few musky baits to get some exercise. :thumbsup_anim:

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