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Will be heading to Abitibi area end of the month...will stay there Dec. 29 to Jan. 2 or 3.

We'll do some skiing in QC and would love to try for some walleye on the Abitibi ice.

Was counting on a guy to take me out but he needs to travel and will not be available at those dates.

Does anyone know of good fishing guide I can talk to and see if we can work something out.



Ice Fisherman


No problem Mike.

My understanding is (read it somewhere)those guys have been out of business for a while...looks at the last update on their web site is from 2007.


Hope someone knows of a good guide in the area...

I read how Abitibi is the hot spot for fishing eyes on the ice so there has to be people familiar with the area who do well there.

Not much time left but hope I can get ahold of someone like that :thumbsup_anim:



Ice Fisherman


confirmed he's out of business...we stayed with him for a few years...there was another operation, think more of a sled/adventure operation or somethign like that offered ice fishing on the side...but haven't heard anything about them for a few years as well


i think your best bet would to get a hold of a local to take you out, or some research for access points and wing it...not sure when it froze over but probably late nov, so a power auger would be clutch to have


It is too bad Ray doesn't do it anymore. His bungalows were monstrous. The fishing was excellent as well. Good luck, I hope you find somebody.

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