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My 17 year old daughter just got accepted to the Ontario Ranger's Program. This will be her first step to her eventual goal of a placement with the MNR, or a similar organization. Anyway, she's off to Sleeping Giant, just east of Thunder Bay, for an 8 week stint. This looks like a grand opportunity for Dad to be the hero and drive her up to her Summer job... Oh, yeah, I hear that there's fishing up that way too...


whistling.gif Hints are always welcome as to a good place to wet a line, if you know the area...

  On 4/26/2010 at 7:50 PM, The JAY said:

My 17 year old daughter just got accepted to the Ontario Ranger's Program. This will be her first step to her eventual goal of a placement with the MNR, or a similar organization. Anyway, she's off to Sleeping Giant, just east of Thunder Bay, for an 8 week stint. This looks like a grand opportunity for Dad to be the hero and drive her up to her Summer job... Oh, yeah, I hear that there's fishing up that way too...


whistling.gif Hints are always welcome as to a good place to wet a line, if you know the area...


If the fishing is good, you'll be bringing "care packages" every weekend! :D


Sorry I have no tips for you! Good luck to your daughter.

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