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My girlfriend and I went out last night for a full moon fishing adventure after work. I didn't have any expectations as I have NEVER caught anything with a full moon. I needed to try though as I need to get something for wild game night at hunt camp next week....


Weather forcast was to be south winds at 10 kms which would give us some chop on the river. It ended up being dead calm with no wind at all. We trolled an area that she caught her first eye a while back. Spent about 3 hrs on the water and no fish to show for it. We marked lots, but couldn't catch them.


After a beautiful boat ride back, wish we brought the camera because the view looking back was amazing. I loaded the boat and got ready to go.


Mel points to the ground and asks what that thing is over there. Something big and ugly is slithering on the ground. Low and behold I managed to catch a sea lamprey. This thing was huge. About 2 feet long and at least 2 inches around. She grabbed some pics with her cell phone, still have to download them. It must have got caught up on the trailer or something and held on long enough for me to drop it on the road when pulling out. I have never seen one this big. It's mout was nasty had teeth on it tongue just like in the movie aliens. I have only seen a couple attached to fish and at the most 4 inches long. I guess I didn't get skunked after all, lol. Needless to say It did not make it back into the water, It got tossed instead.


Is there someone that I would call to report this? How the heck did I get it to come up with my boat and trailer?

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