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cherrish your childern and listento them post continued


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I had made this post on Lew's thread but then thought better then to add it there I just wanted to remind everyone to listen to your childern. here is the reply I wanted to post there but started this threead instead.


On another side of things please also listen to your child when they are having problems at school or other places my daughter and others in her class have trouble with one girl she is very bossy and some times turns into bullying well yesterday I picked my daughter up from school and knew something was wrong she said it was all OK but dad still knew better and I kept asking her we were in the store and she broke down crying about this other girl to make this long story shorter we talked a few times through out the store then she calmed down I thought it would be OK but she said something I never thought I would here my little girl say "I hate my life" came out of her mouth 3 times I was crushed we left the buggy in the store and headed back to the school and had a long talk to the teacher I will be there in 20 min to pick her up and see how today went the teacher did not like to here what had happened and will take care of it.


I guess I was just trying to add to the thread to listen to our children because we always here the story I never saw the signs when something very bad happens I am sorry if I am way off topic but thought it is along the same lines of hug you kids and pay attention to them and what they have to say.



Edited by MrEh
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Mike, you are a great father... good on you for recognizing a problem and taking steps to correct it... all too often we hear of teen and pre-teen suicide due to issues like this.. you did the right thing by protecting your daughter.



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Just got back from the school there was a talk today with the other girl the teacher also moved her to the other side of the classroom I guess this problem has happened with a few others but it always comes down to this one girl I hope all has changed for the long time.

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Good on ya Mike for being inquisitive to your daughters needs. You are a great dad.


I have 2 daughters , 13 and 12 and sometimes Dad feels like the girls are losing the desire to confide in pop....mom def. plays the bigger role as girls will talk about girl things they may not want to share with dad....Almost makes me feel like I've played my role and have become obsolete.


I do however make it known regularly that they can talk to me about anything anytime and that family is #1, I can only hope they listen.


We do a lot as a family together....hockey...fishing....camping.....and much more . As the awkward years play out I can only hope they have learned some good life skills from mom and dad and will make the right decisions...


But as you did Mike, as a parent we have an obligation to our kids to have that sixth sense and intervene with caring and support.


I hope your daughter has better luck with the bully!!



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