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Seeing as I had to cut and split wood the past few days, I had to wait til this morning to finally get out on the ice. A nice day to be out with no crowds. Mind I don't think anyone would come too close to us old grumps.

Old Harry had to have a rest from all the action today.



Bill had to move away from the rest of us, something to do with some kind of dead skunk on the ice. :whistling:



Despite hopes for some heavy action, we had to work for our fish. Perch just sucked on the baits. Smelts teased us all day, and there were a couple of pike biteoffs.

We still caught a number of dinks and even managed a few table worthy specimens.


This was the largest.



Most important part of the day was time spent with friends ( regardless of the numerous times I was accused of scaring everybody elses fish away :dunno:)


some decent perch there Bigugli, hoping to get out there with you folks soon, maybe I can show you guys how NOT to lose the pike :P:Gonefishing:

  solopaddler said:
That wasn't stealth action you fool!! It was another victem of the REAPER!


Oh how quickly you forget.....










WHY! :dunno:



Good to see the ol grumps getting out. :thumbsup_anim: I was talking to Bill last night about getting out to Welland maybe later this week to try for some toothy critters. There's always a pile of smelt to catch if we don't get the toothies and maybe Jack can show us how he does land his Pike with no leaders as we've seen him do before. :rolleyes:




Great report and pics Bruce :thumbsup_anim:


Nothing beats spending quality time with friends and have a good feed of perch to boot B)

Good job you guys and thanks for sharing


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