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Sbcregal's belwood derby report (or non-report)


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A buddy of mine and myself decided to enter the Belwood Lion's Club pike derby this weekend. We left the burlington area saturday at around 10:30am after I put in a few hrs at the shop. Got to the lake, got registered and launched and set up by about 12:30. With the winds boat control was a little difficult so we looked for some bays where the waters were a little calmer. We chucked just about every lure in both of our boxes with no luck. spinnerbaits, inline spinners, spoons, xraps, husky jerks...whatever we could think of. Tried trolling spoons and crankbaits when we moved between spots and didnt have any luck...not even a follow. About 5-6hrs into our day, we pulled up on a small sheletered area that we had been at earlier in the day (with no luck of course). I put on a gold coloured williams wobbler, tossed it into the flooded trees near shore and finally, a strike.... bring the fish in and it was a WHOPPING 12" long..... if that. turns out that it's the only fish we saw that day. when we got back to the lions club hall, the big fish for the day was 34". All in all it was a fun day out on the water, and my buddy had a chance to get his boat wet for the first real day out fishing since he bought it at the boat show. wish we could've gotten into some bigger numbers (and size)




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I actually fished that derby today...and totaly rememberd why I hate Competitive fishing :wallbash:

We had a couple of strikes, and one fish on that shook us at boat side wich was fine.

Weather was beautiful but bloody murder on the trolling motor...went through 3 batterys in the wind!!!


But man, there was "A LOT" of boat traffic, and a whole lotta idiots out there today too....

At least three times I had some one Cut into my Obvious drift line and weigh anchorr, making me go around them, and then have them shoot me looks for passing with in 12 feet of them :asshat: 's


You'd think that spot was the onlyspot on the lake that held fish?

Cripes a 34" winning the derby is slim pick'ns, and the word out there was Fishing through out the tourny was S-L-O-W......


Either way I got out, and enjoyed a nice day inbetween the exchanged evil glances :rolleyes:


whoopdy do...

I think I'll have to give the lake a month to cool down now though after that marathon of pressure.

Edited by Cookslav
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Me and AlieGoby went also. Also no fish. Little hammerhandle shook off at boatside. Maybe 6 hits between us. Had one slice off half my large minnow. Would have liked to got that one in. Talked to a local and he said Mister Twisters are gold a little later in the year. And the 34: er won.

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I was there on the lake for the opening weekend and there was quite a bit of traffic on the water.... and no pike between two of us.


We saw more fish caught from shore than anywhere we paddled in the 5hrs spent there.

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